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Markus last won the day on April 21 2021

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About Markus

  • Birthday 06/23/1977

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    North Carolina / New York

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    Markus Sesko

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  1. As Jacques pointed out, just a different way of writing KANE (兼). There is even a term for that, uokane, when the KANE (兼) character resembles that for "fish" (魚, Japanese: uo/gyo/sakana).
  2. I would like to thank you, Andy and Chi Fan 🙏
  3. Amazing! This looks like something you can look at for years and discover new things. Thank you for sharing @Andrew Ickeringill
  4. While there is no record on why the umegane were removed, I was able to narrow down the time frame between 1907 (when the fotos WITH them were taken for the Bulletin) and a record shot taken in 1922 where there were already gone. The museum had several Japanese consultants coming over once in a while around that time period, so I can guess it was maybe done on their recommendation. But, its a mystery...
  5. Apologies for the confusion @Spartancrest Too early in the morning, lol. Trying to see if there are any records about that.
  6. [Edited] Just realized was looking at the wrong thing. Try to see if I can find any records on when (why?) the ategane were removed.
  7. @Brian Will be back later this fall on a more regular basis here 👍
  8. No date, as Steve pointed out. What "worries" me a bit is that the cert quotes the gold inlaid cutting test under "mei" and not in a separate "kinzōgan-mei section"...
  9. The puzzle is: Tsuki Mitsuoki chōsen (月光興彫鐫) – "Engraved by Tsuki Mitsuoki" The artist had the habit of abbreviating his Ōtsuki School name to just Tsuki and signing the Oki character very similar to a kaō monogram.
  10. Markus

    Goto workshops

    I have placed the orders for readers who pre-paid for the Tosogu Classroom project in several phases (some before, and some after my recent trip to Japan). Production of hardcovers takes a little longer than it was the case a few years back (anything improving recently?). Volumes 3 should be arriving soon, and I do not know why some get there sooner than others. I guess it depends on how close the print partner is Lulu.com uses for producing the books.
  11. Direct link: https://mailchi.mp/7...om-the-field-2023-23 Link to some of the past issues: https://us19.campaig...4a0c23&id=1891b1f9ee
  12. Thank you all for your support! Unless there were some mean posts that were deleted in the meantime, we can leave this thread open as I would like to give people a quick and easy opportunity to opt out of this project. Grey is proofreading the next chapters of the Tosogu Classroom as we speak, so this is very much alive and going forward (yes, slowly, and I apologize for that).
  13. Thank you very much Bob @Surfson and Volker @Volker62 ! I will get in touch with you directly. I fully understand the frustration and am happy to refund everyone who wants to opt out. It is not that we are talking about a brief delay, it has been years now, which is embarrassing.
  14. @Surfson Thank you Bob! Checked my records and you did not pay in, so your offer is greatly appreciated!
  15. @Brian You did (can let you know the amount if you want), and thank you very much for leaving it in!
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