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Volker62 last won the day on July 12

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About Volker62

  • Birthday 10/05/1962

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  1. if I'm right, this smith is also listed as "wazamono", wow! its hada is particular beautiful good luck with the sale!!
  2. great package Nicholas!! congrat's as John said, the presence of a Nengo is a goos sign.
  3. whats the swords measurements please?
  4. thank you for sharing
  5. Thanks for the many offers!! purchase is complete.
  6. WTB, not WTS looking for a nice Gendai to for a new collector here in Germany only traditional made with matching original koshirae offers welcome
  7. looking for a nice gendai to with its original matching Koshirae for a fellow new collector only traditional made offers are welcome
  8. Thank' got a very nice one!! am very statisfied request closed
  9. what my experience with Eric is: reliable competent friendly a nice guy with good stuff always worth a look
  10. this is really one of the most beautiful Gendaito, I 've ever held in my hands congrat's John
  11. if I have missed something in my translation on your shigemasa,or misrated, please correct me....
  12. i know your blade that you are presenting here. an impressive work that I've rarely seen in such perfection of craftmanship inover 30 years! A work of art is the right term for this blade1 Tk's for sharing!
  13. sorry John on your beautiful shigemasa I cannot read something about a Lt. Colonel? what I can read is, it was crafted for a Mr Iwase..... without a military rank and a surname... is it the same sword we were talking about?
  14. unsigned Koto blades only papered
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