Here a link about this seller
Always high price (lot gimei or in bad sheap) and seem he dont have a real shop.but post nihonto stuff from other seller in Japan. Be careful
I start a group 3 weeks ago on Facebook for fans of Nihonto in Canada
Dedicated To The Preservation And Promotion of Japanese Swords, Swordsmiths, And Related Crafts
Nihonto Canada
Anyone who wants to talk about Nihonto are welcome
No Martiel Arts or any other kind of sword will be allowed.
I created this page to regroup Canadians who love Nihonto Arts. Dissusion and being able to sell / buy items in Canada
Nihonto Canada (Preservation And Promotion Of Nihonto) | Facebook
Hello Joe
before i start collecting nihonto i was focused on Japanese ww2 3 exemple of many i have in the past ..i think the writing is very to uniform and its too organized too be originaly made for Japanese soldier
dont forget that GI made their own flag sometime
Best regards
i found a similar tsuba on the web ..the seller say Edo Myochin Tsuba
here the picture of the tsuba and a link about Myochin tsuba Myochin Tsuba (
do you think its similar
thanks for your time
Here the dimension
Total blade = 85.77cm
Nagasa = 66.965cm
Kissaki = 2.83cm
Nakago = 18.81cm
The custom order i think its because he use a western iron ,its was right in the description when i purchased it.
Best Regards
Excellent Antique Japanese sword Eda Kikumon Rai Kinmichi Izumi No Kami Rai Kinmichi katana, signed, dated, and custom ordered
和泉守来金道 Izumi no Kami Rai Kinmichi
以南蠻鉄造之 Nanban-Tetsu wo motte kore wo tsukuru
made with Nanban-Tetsu, western iron
元禄三年二月吉日 Genroku San-nen Ni-gtsu Kichijitsu
Auspicious day, February, 1690
The blade is beautiful and very sharp. No nicks, dents or cracks , straight blade in excellent condittion
No paper
Location Québec Canada
5000$ USD