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Everything posted by DirkO

  1. I always pay the courier, that should suffice. Basically if you don't pay him, he won't hand you the package. Downside of that is, if you have an issue afterwards, you've already accepted it as-is.
  2. Please add your name to your posts (or set up a signature under your account to do that automatically) Regarding possession - I think you're fine http://www.ejustice.just.fgov.be/cgi/article_body.pl?language=nl&pub_date=2006-06-09&numac=2006009449&caller=summary How you describe it, is your own choice, however, I would avoid the word 'weapon' seeing it will raise questions. So "Japanese Antique" isn't a bad description.
  3. Hey Dave, weapons older than 100 years are considered antiques, younger aren't. So if you're importing it, you can expect 21% + handling costs extra from the Douane before receiving the Gunto, antiques have a more favourable customs tariff.
  4. Been around for years, a lot of Ito Mitsuru published tsuba. Although published, a lot of them aren't backed up by papers, and are his opinion. I'm not saying this is a good or a bad thing, just something to take into account.
  5. Wow, always love your contributions because they're brutally honest and we can learn from that, no use in sugarcoating. The result you've achieved here is absolutely top class - which can only be the outcome if you employ top artisans and have a lot of patience.
  6. Followed both auctions, good price for good items!
  7. I have a Shonai school tsuba on file with 16 confirmed mei on them How's that for collaboration?! They all did one piece of design on the tsuba and signed it.
  8. DirkO

    papered tsuba

    All my pieces except 1 are papered by NBTHK. Commercially it's the best approach, otherwise it will be 2nd guessed when trying to sell off later. Obviously this only makes sense starting from a certain price range.
  9. DirkO

    Pole arm Hoko

    It's called a Gekken or Getsuken - a half moon shaped spear blade
  10. @Paul - thanks for the update! Can you elaborate on the live auction on Sunday? Not really sure what to expect from that.
  11. Also called karazi-zame (飾り鮫) or kenjo-zame (献上鮫) . See below for more info, I've seen some sell for 4000+. All in all a very nice curiosity - but beware of CITES (even though antique, some customs will give you a hard time over this!) Usually the larger the nodules, the higher the price on rayskin - the one on YJP seems to be sharkskin however - no real reference for that one, but will go up from starting price I imagine. https://www.nihonto.com/11-6-17/ https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/32829 https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/24151/lot/120/?category=list http://www.nipponto.co.jp/swords5/ET560174.htm
  12. A bit of of a visual trick, it's only 2-2,5 mm thick. Looks massive, but is suprisingly elegant and light when in hand.
  13. Jinbei ????
  14. My wangata
  15. Wan-gata
  16. Tosogu no Kansho 1+2 Wakayama books
  17. Did a quick comparison with entries in the book 'The Ishiguro School of Japanese Sword Fittings Artists' - 2016 The Masatsune II mei are quite different (last one is Moritsune, which was an early mei for Masatsune II while 1st generation was still working)
  18. DirkO

    ko Umetada

    ... and ko-Kagamishi or ko-Hagi or ko-Kinai
  19. UPDATE: <<Hello everyone - Bella again. Just to say Ford is out of surgery now and it’s good news He has had seven stents put in and he said it was horribly painful, the doctors has to struggle with one artery getting through and the stent in. I am delighted though, it’s the best outcome for him. I am passing on all your messages and love. And now he must rest! I will have to wrangle him I am sure! Thanks again for all your lovely messages of support and hope. They mean so much to him, and to me. >>
  20. Looks like dragon was added later as an exercise on this tsuba. Space/composition wise it doesn't fit all that nice. Probably seppa area isn't useable due to inlay being a bit higher. Nice dragon though.
  21. DirkO

    Strange ana

    Hi Ken, I think the Wada-esque sukashi are original, seeing the inlay and its positioning, the square cut-outs were done later to accomodate a specific mounting.
  22. Yep BPOST (affiliated with EMS and USPS) should be just fine. Sent several books + nihonto to the US that way. But shipping won't be cheap.
  23. Similar one (I really liked it, but just missed out on it, currently in Scandinavia somewhere) - papered to Ko-Shoami
  24. Here are some mei for comparison.
  25. Regarding its first use - after some digging in my books, I found this interesting article: "The words wabi and sabi have been closely linked to the aesthetics of the chanoyu tea ceremony since the time of Murata Shuko (1421?-1502). He described his preferences for using as tea wares inexpensive, locally made utilitarian vessels (instead of more finely wrought Chinese objects) as wabi-suki, an expression that, by the 17th century, had evolved into the phrase wabi-cha (poverty tea)...." Rest in below screenshot. From the excellent book 'Japanese Design - Patricia Graham' (I think it's Ford who put me on that title, so thx for that!)
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