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Everything posted by DirkO

  1. DirkO

    Ivory kozuka

    Came across this on Yahoo. Seeing you don't see many of these, thought I'd share:
  2. Tanobe-san touched this subject in his Nihonto Wo Miru. It was an essay about mei forgeries. I've gathered the relevant data for Masahide, hope it helps!
  3. Originally his asking price was 2500$ on eBay -> it rose to 5000$ after some posts on this forum -> and now it's 8500$ :-)
  4. Seeing I have a blade by Tango no Kami Naomichi (his earlier mei) I wouldn't mind some pictures of the blade itself
  5. thx Moriyama-san, I overlooked the other side of the nakago! Then of course, the mei is not that unusual
  6. Hi Chris, so the person who shortened it (o-suriage? or was the mei removed?) inscripted the mei of the correct smith. But isn't this rare seeing it doesn't state that it was shortened? I've never seen it done in this way.
  7. Hi Edward, Would it be possible to post closeup pics of the mei? That way we would be able to compare...
  8. Seems someone is getting rid of his entire collection of books, and it's a very nice one at that: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Japanese-Sword-Book-Collection-25-Years-Collecting-/250989145819?pt=Asian_Antiques&hash=item3a701e6edb Although I think he would fetch more money if sold seperately, there are some very interesting books in this lot. PS: I have no affiliation with the seller nor the sale, I just thought it to be interesting. EDIT - apparently if you ask him he'll mail you the entire list + the prices of the books if you're just interested in buying one. I've had a look through it and it's quite the discount you get!!! Seeing I don't know if it's ok for me to share that list, you'll have to contact the seller yourselves.
  9. Get well soon Roy, we need our Cornish Knocker!
  10. Another nice one, although it doesn't show the yaki-ire process as well as well as Jacques' example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEbYActfa-I
  11. http://www.nihontomessageboard.com/faq.html In the FAQ under buying and selling there's a recommended book list (although it can be improved with short explanations of the book perhaps and elaborated upon with more books) http://home.earthlink.net/~steinrl/books.htm Also a good list, with short explanation on each book and indication of language. However, this might be a nice thing to create with the NMB-membership - a exhaustive list of books, and small write-ups on them.
  12. Very nice footage indeed! Thanks for posting!
  13. Found one on Bidders but apparently it's the blade under discussion http://www.bidders.co.jp/aitem/160208842
  14. In your price range: http://www.samuraishokai.jp/sword/11150.html
  15. I use Justsnipe.com - you get 5 free snipes per week which is a lot more than I ever use.
  16. Some extra text from the same journal (issue 633, October 2009): ... same people doubt the existence of Sadamune, just as for Masamune. But in the Shinsatu Oorai, a book from the Nanbokucho period (the writer was suppose to be Sogan-hoshi, and hoshi means a priest) it is stated that recently working master sword smiths were Rai Kunitoshi, Kuniyuki, Shintogo (Kunimitsu), Tosaburou (Yukimitsu), Goronyudo(Masamune), and Masamune’s son Hikoshirou (Sadamune). In an early Muromachi book the Shakuso Oorai, the same comment is present. Also the book Sogo Daisoshi, written in Taiei 8 ( 1528), which was supposedly written by Ise Sadayori Sogo, Masamune and Sadamune’s names are listed, and later the book Tensho-hon and many other sword books listed these names.
  17. FWIW: a little tip for the European collectors: I don't know if this applies to all your home countries, but if you use amazon.de (Germany) they usually have free shipping. I've used it on many occasions and especially if the books are quite heavy (as is in this case) it can save you a lot of money. You can easily order the English version on the German site and you can use your .co.uk or .com Amazon login just as easy on the German Amazon.
  18. Albert Yamanaka - a direct student to Koson - writes that seeing the Hon'ami received 10% of the value on the origami, it was not against their own interest to exagerrate the value on the blade. A lot of blades with Koson origami were also given as a gift and as such, the higher the value, the more prestigious the gift. However, this only applies to the value of the blade and NOT to the maker of the blade. Origami, as opposed to Soejo, were only written by the head of the family. As was said before, the final decisions on attributions were made on the 3rd of the month during Hon'ami family gatherings, after which the origami were made. The meeting was held by the head of the family, who served as judge. After everyone had given their opinion, the judge made the final decision.
  19. I know, Morita-sama, It's my western brain that keeps pointing me in the wrong direction! At least now the 2 first kanji 有之 make sense. Thanks for the correction.
  20. Hi Eric, It seems a good match for the stamp on my origami. Also notice how the 'border' of the stamp stops at the exact same place...
  21. Vielen Dank, Markus!!! It already took me hours just to get where I was, it never ceases to amaze me how good some of you are at this!
  22. Hi Markus, Thanks for the corrections! At least I didn't get everything wrong :D Regarding those 2 kanji, there's a previous topic in which it in the end got translated as 鑑之. They first thought it to be the same kanji you propose (右之) but then changed it? http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2885
  23. Thanks a lot for the help, Markus! Still have some problems with 2-3-4 - I think I got 1 right now. 2nd attempt: 1. shimotsuki san hi Honami Koson (kao) (3rd day in november) 霜月 三 日 来阿 「花押」 2. Showa x x nen Hinoe Inu (1952? no zodiac date ending in Inu matches - 1st year of something) 昭和 貮拾 壹 年 戌 3. daikin shi sun hyaku go mai (value "at least" 350 gold coins? how does 子 translate?) 代金 子 参 百 五 拾枚 4. shoshin 正真 4a. sukekore o-suriage mumei ya (how does 右之 translate? this item? and what does 也 mean?) 右之 大磨上 無銘 也 4b. nagasa ni shaku san sun ichi bu yo (length over 2 shaku 3 sun 1 bu) 長 弐尺 参寸 壹分 余 5 Taima Kuniyuki 当麻 國行
  24. Hi, I've recently come across a Honami Koson origami and I've tried my best at the translation. Can someone help me to fill in the blanks? 1. x gatsu san hi Honami Koson (kao) x 月 三 日 来阿 2. Showa x x nen Hinoe Inu (1947? not sure at all of the zodiac date) 昭和 x x 年 丙 戌 3. daikin shi? x hyaku go mai (value (at least?) x? 150 gold coins) 代金 子 x 百 五 拾枚 4. shoshin 正真 4a. kan kore o-suriage x mei o (most difficult part - can't read much into it, unsure about some kanji) 鑑之 大磨 x 銘 御 4b. nagasa ni shaku san sun x bu yo (length over 2 shaku 3 sun x bu) 長 弐尺 参寸 x分 余 5 Taima Kuniyuki 当麻 國行
  25. Sūn Wùkōng together with Dà Yǔ - possibly at the moment he receives the Rúyì Jīngū Bàng ?
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