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Gordon Sanders

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Everything posted by Gordon Sanders

  1. All that I need now are a couple of swords Hopefully soon, soon! Thanks to Markus for the Bodhidarma Tsuba and to Stephen for the Brass Gunto Dragon Tsuba! and to Ford for the great restoration of the warikogai! Now only a couple of steps left!!
  2. He had a Beautiful Jumonji Yari too. Absolutely beautiful and sharpppppp
  3. I think I saw that one when I visited him! Next time I go over, to will put it in my pocket and send back!!!
  4. Mike Y.. Congratulations! http://www.rafu.com/2017/09/nikkei-samurai-explores-role-of-mis-in-preserving-Japanese-swords/
  5. Hi Guys, any updates on knives received? i was told mine would be the beginning of August, but still no shiny-shiny things in my mailbox ;-(
  6. how often are these released? I have a sword that received Yushutoaround dec of 2015 and wondering when it would be in the book? thanks gents!!
  7. Already rusting? Need to get some uchiko and choji oil on it :-)
  8. IKEA has a nice food grade mineral oil
  9. Hmm. Mine is different reply. I also asked about a signature into the knife like I have from other knives I have bought in Japan “Thank you for your message. We are making your kitchen knife. It is almost done, final step. But we can't cut into signing to the knife. I'm sorry for it. And Taro has to go to Canada to demonstrate for 1 month, we can send yours the beginning of August. Please wait for a while.”
  10. Done!!! Thanks. I love great knives
  11. Simon, I am a newbie here but pictures are relevant because people want to see the overall shape of the sword and also the file marks on the tang. Think of Japanese swords as art you wouldn't evaluate art by looking at the number of colors in a painting you would look at how the brushstrokes moved those colors
  12. Mifune: The Last Samurai https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MYZHT0P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_EhZ.ybC08K3BX Just came up as shipping !
  13. My solution is old school. Compressed air can. Use the tiny straw or perhaps lengthen it. Slide it down the side of it. And keep tapping. I am sure it will eventually get under the paper and voila !!'n
  14. I want to send a huge thanks out to Ford Hallam for helping restore my worn warikogai. The gilding and silver spray dots were missing and he was able to restore it to its original glory. Thanks very much for the amazing work
  15. Mine was already received in Hong Kong
  16. Does anyone know what "Hong Kong (import permission necessary in Hong Kong)" means?
  17. Mine has just shipped to Hong Kong
  18. Wow. I love the hosono. I have a matching kozuka :-)
  19. There is a katana kake that was sold in the auction. Is there a way to contact the buyer? Would this be possible? It was lot 298. Thx..
  20. Great post Darcy.. like I told you at DTI, I learn more and more each time you pen a post. Even if it does have typos!!!
  21. See you guys soon. About to board plane from HKG to NRT.
  22. FYI. If you arrive early and are creative, there is a Wine Expo in Tokyo on Monday and Tuesday. Nov15-16 http://www.vinexpotokyo.com/en/
  23. I thought i would put this out here for discussion http://www.ebay.com/itm/K310-Japanese-sword-in-mountings-Izumi-no-kami-Kunisada-/361817101985?hash=item543dfad6a1
  24. HI Jean... thanks. I remember that thread well i was more wondering as it would be much easier to purchase at DTI rather than mailorder Does Fujishiro have a booth?
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