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vajo last won the day on July 10 2024

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About vajo

  • Birthday 02/01/1969

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    Germany / Bavaria
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    History, old Motorcycles, SiFi, Diving and of course Nihonto

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    Chris Sch.

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  1. @Bruce Pennington a lot of people uses now that term. Mostly in a negative context because they favorite Type 98 or want to sell higher. Thats my observe of the problem. I didn't know if everyone knows what the term means. In Germany we called FIAT cars "Fehler In Allen Teilen" (failure in all parts). It was from the 70s up to the 90s a big problem for that company. Type 3 sounds neutral. The NMB as an information board makes the music. If you rate here you make a vote up or down. It is not a closed community.
  2. I'll never get used to the term Rinji Seishiki. The term means Provisional Emergency Model. So derogatory in all respects. It sounds like someone quickly cobbled something together so that no one has to run around with a bare blade.
  3. That term Rinji Seishiki (Special Contingency 臨時正式 ) from Nick Komiya who was neither a collector than an military expert, read that word in only one document and you all jump in that boat and call this nonsense name which doesn't refer to a sword type. Call it what ever but Rinji Seishiki is total worse. It sounds like an obsession You could search the whole wide net about this 臨時正式 and you will find nothing. "Sweetheart? Yes, darling. Have you seen my "Special Contingency" sword? Yes, it's in the umbrella stand. Could you tell me, why do all the other officers have Type98 and you have a makeshift sword? Oh, darling, I'm just a sucker." Btw. The first "makeshift" special contingency rinji seishiki swords with high quality gendai-to blades came out 1942. And why the IJA produce low quality showa-to blades from medium range smiths equipped with your so called "high quality " Type98 mounts? They put scrappy showa-to blades into a bling bling koshirae and expensive tamahagene forged gendai blades in a special contingency koshirae for what? Blaming their officers? Is that really that what you belive? The type 3 has iron fittings. The type 98 is equipped with brass fittings. Did you think the ancient samurai walk into a war with brass fittings?
  4. Bruce it is a souvenier sword with a fantasy signature. I have a Louis Trenker ice pickle my father bought me 1974 in a shop at the lake Königssee. Same vibes.
  5. vajo


    Gary thats not a collection it is a secret treasure chamber.
  6. I wonder how you came to that swords?
  7. Dale that was the tsuba of Thierry Bernard in that thread. The picture of my posting was from the auction house Zacke. The bonhams picture is maybe the same tsuba but the coloring of the picture is total different.
  8. Hello Stefan it's a great sword and in great condition and well worth the price. I would want to buy it, but honestly, would you buy a sword now if the Federal Office for Civil Protection has been advising you for weeks to build a nuclear shelter and stock up on supplies? I have deep pockets but no room for a bunker! Maybe many collectors feel this way?
  9. Is it worth? Others would say hey its damned old. It was the time of the third crusade.
  10. @Bruce there is only the mei on the nakago. No marks, no stamps, no number.
  11. Good Morning Bruce. I take a look this evening after work.
  12. The shapes of my gendai collection. All different.
  13. Thanks a lot. Really cool.
  14. strange. How does it hold together. Is it possible to see a picture from the Mimi?
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