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vajo last won the day on July 10

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About vajo

  • Birthday 02/01/1969

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    Germany / Bavaria
  • Interests
    History, old Motorcycles, SiFi, Diving and of course Nihonto

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    Chris Sch.

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  1. I wonder how you came to that swords?
  2. Dale that was the tsuba of Thierry Bernard in that thread. The picture of my posting was from the auction house Zacke. The bonhams picture is maybe the same tsuba but the coloring of the picture is total different.
  3. Hello Stefan it's a great sword and in great condition and well worth the price. I would want to buy it, but honestly, would you buy a sword now if the Federal Office for Civil Protection has been advising you for weeks to build a nuclear shelter and stock up on supplies? I have deep pockets but no room for a bunker! Maybe many collectors feel this way?
  4. Is it worth? Others would say hey its damned old. It was the time of the third crusade.
  5. @Bruce there is only the mei on the nakago. No marks, no stamps, no number.
  6. Good Morning Bruce. I take a look this evening after work.
  7. The shapes of my gendai collection. All different.
  8. Thanks a lot. Really cool.
  9. strange. How does it hold together. Is it possible to see a picture from the Mimi?
  10. Is this one tsuba🤔
  11. Both are nice late Edo/Meji Tsuba. I like the iron tsuba. Can't read the signature clearly. Well done.
  12. I put my swords together in one picture to compare the shape. Its on my site. There is no such thing like a standard. Every sword is different.
  13. Buba job mixed assembled sword. Modern chinese replica looks much more better an rhe wall
  14. Krystian gave me better pictures of the sword. Its really nice and a good textbook example of the Bamboo Leaf Pattern.
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