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Bruce Pennington

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Everything posted by Bruce Pennington

  1. Thanks John and Thomas. That single digit numbering, which can be alone or followed by another number is a mystery. They are on blades from all over the place, so it doesn't appear to be the practice of a particular arsenal. They are mostly Army, but I have three kaigunto with such a number too. Posting what I have. Other than the dated blades, they are not listed in a particular order: 1942, Jun Kanenori (RJT) – Gifu Na Ho 1 on mune 1942, Dec Tenshozan Tanrenjo 1 on mune Michaelr, NMB, kai 1942, Mar Norisada (RJT) – Fukuoka Na Ho 1 on mune Leen, NMB 1942, May Norisada (pre-RJT) – Fukuoka Na Ho 3 on mune K. Elliott, NMB 1942, Apr Masakazu (RJT) – Fukushima 1129; “1” on mune George Trotter, RS, tsuba/seppa ニ1129 1943, Jun Sadakatsu (RJT) – Osaka 1阪 on mune Star Ed Hicks, NMB, RS 1943, Aug Hiromasa (RJT) – Ehime Yama Ho 2 on mune Itomagoi, NMB RS 1945 Okimitsu 江江1 Bangbangsan, NMB, Kai ND Masayasu – Aichi 2 55 on mune Conway S, NMB, Kai ND Nagamitsu – Osaka 1阪3490 mune VajS,NMB, RS ND Nagamitsu – Osaka 1阪3991 mune mauser99; NMB ND Mumei 2 95 on mune Unleasedndest, Gunboards ND Mumei 1 100 on mune DTM72, NMB, RS ND Mumei 1 104 on mune Bangbangsan, NMB, RS ND Mumei 3 on mune Bangbangsan, NMB, RS ND Kiyomichi 1 66; stainless GunBB, Gunboards, Kai I can't argue with the guy's opinion of the blade, numbered "2 95" looking like a Nagamitsu, but the observed Nagamitsu with numbers all have a Saka stamp and a "1".
  2. Wow, that’s unique! I have not seen it before. Let’s see if John has (PNSSHOGUN).
  3. Working from memory, but we have a few of these with the large one and a smaller number and some with a large 2. So it was proposed that may be there were a couple of inspectors using these numbers.
  4. You got it. Bishu ju Sukenobu December 1944 No star or stamps?
  5. Thanks John! Looks like he's re-listed this one. I have it from a posted sale back in 2022.
  6. I see you're in New Hampshire. Is it humid there? Humidity is your enemy. If so, you'll need to set up a routine (I don't know how frequent) of cleaning and re-oiling the blade. I have seen guys come to NMB with blades that developed rust even when they had oiled them. Display/storage runs a wide gamut from closets to fully desiccated glass cases. It just depends upon how much you are willing to spend, or how you wish to display for enjoyment.
  7. Thanks guys. I messaged the seller to see if he'll post a shot of the other side of the nakago. Most of the Kanenao blades I have aren't numbered, but we'll see if he responds. Update: Got a response, no photos, but seller said there was nothing on the other side.
  8. Yes, all same direction folds.
  9. I'm posting this one for those trying to learn to spot fakes. It has several things right, which might tempt a new guy to fall for it, like: - Serial number is posted cutting edge down as Tokyo blade should - Latch is curved properly vs the angled bend you see on many fakes - Suya and Kokura stamps aren't bad, in as much as you can see the Suya one - Bohi beginning is a little sloppy but not bad But other things are wrong, first of which, glaringly, is the brass tsuka! These are often sold as a copper handled 95, but they are not. Other issues: - Tokyo stamp on blade is FAR too far from the serial number - Bohi end is not shaped properly for a Tokyo blade - Tokyo inspector stamp on fuchi is really bad - Fine details of tsuka and tsuba dimples, seppa sculpting, kabutogane, are all course, flat; probably an attempt to make it look worn and used - The tsuba has a dark coating to make it look aged Photos at first glance Zooming in for detail:
  10. Chris, safe to assume it's not dated?
  11. Here's one posted by @PeterCollector HERE.
  12. This one posted by @PeterCollectorHERE.
  13. “The sword is a Gendaito made by Koshimizu Moritoshi one of Japan's top 12 war time sword smith's. Existing Moritoshi made blades are in them selves difficult to find as he died relatively young. He was only 39.”
  14. You didn't say whether you know or not, but it is a Type 98 Japanese officer sword. The blue/brown tassel was the Company grade for Capt's and Lt's. You can see examples and read about the model on Ohmura's site: http://ohmura-study.net/934.html
  15. Ok, I re-read the other thread. I had originally thought you were saying that both stamps were of Kaneshiro, but you did not mean that. You simply said they reminded you of the bayonet stamps.
  16. Well, you got me there. I didn't know there was a difference. I just needed a tassel and the short one was the only one on the market at the time. Did they put shorter tassels on the 32s?
  17. Thanks Sam! Interesting mix of patinated, pierced tsuba on what appears to be late war tsuka and saya.
  18. Good catch, Mal. Didn't occur to me to check JSI Showa list on that spelling. If we called it Kinju, then we'd simply have another RJT smith not found on the lists, but that's not the first time it's happened. Marzio, those shots are great, thanks!
  19. Tom, Could you post a shot of the overall gunto for the files? This is 2 of these, and I don't have a good photo of the sword itself.
  20. Nice chart, John! Where'd you get that one? It matches what Trystan said about the stamp and the "Steel for Sword" kanji.
  21. I got it from Trystan, @BANGBANGSAN on this post: Here is the one posted by him on the thread. Clearly not the same sword, so now we have 2!
  22. The RJT list on Japaneseswordindex.com lists 4 Kaneshige, none of which are in Sesko's list, and that list doesn't show the kanji used by them. Like Thomas said, this one is in Sesko's list: KANESHIGE (金重), Shōwa (昭和, 1926-1989), Gifu – “Kaneshige” (金重), real name Nishimura Jin´ichi (西村仁一), born July 15th 1902, he worked as rikugun-jumei-tōshō and died April 28th 1982 I checked his section on Kinju, same spelling, and while there are several, he doesn't list any in the showa era. So, I have 3 others with this same mei, and I've logged them as Kaneshige as well. Nice sword, Marzio! Can I get a shot of the fittings for the files too?
  23. Blades with the large Seki stamp tend to be well made showato.
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