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    Translation of sword-related exotica.

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  1. Bravo! I can't understand the 寒からしむ phrase, so I assumed it was, as in the previous translation, "dispells the cold". I completely missed 維新, so that changes that whole mid-section to something much more realistic and less florid. So there are quite a few revelations in Moriyama-san's translation that are a huge improvement in both substance and style. The last characters must be 云爾, indicating the end of the sentence.
  2. Sorry to leave this hanging. The picture is much clearer, but a couple of the characters are still lost on me. I'm afraid I can't offer you a better translation than the one you have already - although I have misgivings about it. As I said, I think its a bit over-the-top, but we're talking about style rather than content, at least for the first 6 vertical lines. The last two vertical lines under the heading of "mei" (as I mentioned previously) seem very unusual, and not like typical Japanese. Well, its all a bit atypical. Wish I could offer you some more clarity.
  3. The Japanese Ministry of Justice puts all their laws on a website, but its a bit user-unfriendly for non-Japanese speakers. The laws regarding registration of swords is at the link below; https://laws.e-gov.go.jp/law/333AC0000000006 (These are laws related to registration of swords and firearms. I don't believe there are any laws related to conservation of swords.)
  4. I doubt the first one is 母. It would be an unusual character for a artist's name, and Wakayama lists no artist using this as the first character of their name. But I'm not sure what it is. It kind of looks like a sloppy 田 or 固, but I'm not entirely convinced its either of those. the second character looks like a calligraphic form of 水 (see below), but that doesn't get me any closer to figuring out the name. Neither 田水 nor 固水 work as art names.
  5. Right circle: 古さと啐啄中出?  The part in blue is "Sottaku", which is both a zen word and the name of the 8th generation Omotesenke head. Not sure what the entirety is supposed to mean - the last kanji I have low confidence on. "From the hometown of Sottaku?" Possibly a poetic attribution to Sottakusai?
  6. Did you see this one? The name "Norimitsu" can be written in kanji several different ways, so I do not know if this Norimitsu is the one you are looking for. "Seki" is the name of the location/city where many of the WW2-era swordsmiths lived and worked. You might have seen this other thread already. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/5409-rikugun-jumei-tosho-yasumoto-norimitsu/ https://japaneseswordindex.com/oshigata/norimits.jpg
  7. It is one of the treasures included in a Japanese motif called "takara zukushi" (abundant treasures). The weight symbolizes wealth (the weight being used on scales used to weigh gold and silver). It appears midway down this article, along with the other treasures. https://collections.artsmia.org/art/131712/bedding-cover-unknown-Japanese Two weights appear under the bag
  8. My second post was a response to this line (not yours): The first word under the character for nakago (茎) is "ubu" (生ぶ). The bits following that refer to the end of the nakago.
  9. Come on guys. Lift yer game.
  10. I don't think the kissaki was reshaped. I think its the original kanmuri-otoshi style. The origami doesn't mention any reshaping of the kissaki. In the section under the heading "nakago", it notes that the butt-end of the tang was cut off and is now "kuri-jiri" style. I don't think this sword would be designated Juyo if the kissaki were altered. It is still called "ubu" because the machi have not been significantly altered. I'd just note to Nathaniel not to expect consistency in sword or tosogu terminology, especially with these earlier papers. It's maddening, but one learns to live these oddities.
  11. Resident of Nagoya in Owari province. Late Edo period. (per Wakayama). Same school as Shigemasa and Shigemitsu (重正 and 重光, respectively). Very short entry.
  12. Small correction: Jakushi = 若芝
  13. Should be the signature of Tadatsuna (忠綱). On the reverse side is the date: Showa 18, December (1943). (posted almost simultaneously with Moriyama-san above) More info below
  14. To me it looks like Ishikawa Suishinsen, but there is something after that which I can't make out.
  15. Hello Bryce, thank you very much for that. Now I'm even more intrigued. As I mentioned, the two vertical lines on the far left of the bag indicate what is written on the mei. Or, that would be the normal interpretation of the words prefacing those two lines; 銘曰 (mei iwaku)(picture below)*. Your translator has translated this word as "Iron speaks" which is a mistranslation. It literally means "The mei says...". The problem is, those following two vertical lines on the bag are completely different from the mei on the sword. The lines on the bag read, as I mentioned, like Chinese couplets or quatrains or something, but they have nothing to do with the mei, from what I can tell. So, other than the first line (This sword, a Gassan Sadakazu work, is a family treasure), and the date, the rest of the writing is rather enigmatic. I can see how your translator arrived at some of the phrases, but for me it seems a bit too florid. It feels a little off to me, but maybe the writer was trying to be poetic. A couple of the connecting words and phrases are slightly hidden by folds in the cloth, so maybe a clearer shot would help make the preceding part make more sense (to me, anyway). *I just wrote about this phrase in another thread, where I mentioned that it was a phrase only used by Kazutaro Torigoye. It's appearance here is a very interesting coincidence.
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