Definetely a poor quality fake. If i made it i would be proud but im a back yard knife maker for my own pleasure.
There are many many chinese made repro swords on ebay that are miles ahead of this in terms of quality blade and koshirae included. Dong you are going to be amazed when you begin to really see what genuine quality Nihonto looks like. Enjoy the ride.
I recently purchased some mats from nine circles with Jeremy and I am extremely happy with the mats and the speed they arrived in Australia especially during the covid situation even happier with the efforts from Jeremy. If anyone ever has to do any kind of business with Jeremy I recommend him for his honesty and great communication. Thanks again Jeremy.
Lowell I noticed in one of your posts you mentioned getting better quality uchiko and using oil or water with it.
Uchiko is one thing but you definitely dont want to put water on your blade unles you want to really damage it.
Congratulations and great work on the collection and book Chris. When you eventually combine the swords and tsuba into one book I would be happy to buy a copy too.
Lovely thread thanks Guido and congratulations.
Just before reading this I was looking at thr Japanese swords and Asian arts sales page and was checking out the daisho sets being sold especially the koshirae.
Hi Matt
Welcome go Nmb. I really hope you take Ken's advice and never use Nihonto. In my opinion a westerner using Nihonto is selfish and stupidity. Giheiya is another shop like e-sword but if you buy Nihonto please do it for study and preservation and use a modern repro for iaido or an iaito. I use both iaito and well made chinese repro.
Jeremy where do you get your beach mats from?
I bought a bunch of tatami off ebay a few years ago for a bucket load and since then anything ive found is even more rediculously expensive unfortunately. Im very keen to get somd too, hopefully theres a solution.
Ive seen videos of piles of free tatami that are used in Japan. Such a tease!
vor me number 2 looks best. When I see tsuba with tree's like thix I look at it like a bonsai and 2 has the best flow and proportion imo.
Thanks Ford san.
Hi Chris sorry for the delay.
Pics are from my phone so sorry for lack of quality.
Fittings are cheap but tsuka and saya are pretty well made and the wrap is good and tight. No glue to be seen too.
I have two katana made by Simon, the other blade has no bohi and ive cut tatami, bamboo, pool noodles and a water melon too.
Both are nice in hand and pretty well balanced. Definitely good value imho.