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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. Its not too bright for me, a brownish orange.
  2. Hi Adam, ive had quite a few positive experiences buying from them over the years. My Zunari Kobuto was from them actually and that was a great deal.
  3. Good job Adam, I thought I saw your kobuto still for sale. Hopefully they will get whats coming to them.
  4. Adam I think your armor will look a little bit less peiced together when all togethef under the same light. When the dou finally arrives I sill make a stand share a pic of everything together. The dou looks like it will match my kobuto and menpo, im looking forward to getting them together.
  5. Dale the black iron daisho look like they are the iron daisho I was talking about. I thought about getting them. Colin that patina really looks nice. Ive mounted mine on a nice Ichimonju Wakizashi for now.
  6. Here it is. I saw your Zunari for sale a few days ago and liked it. I think you got a pretty good deal as its in very good condition. Your armor will look good together, much better in person. I'm looking forward to having a complete armor to go with my Kobuto, I'm still waiting on a Dou I ordered from Japan and will gradually get the rest in the future. My iaido/kenjutsu sensai said if I put the armor on display in the gym I run he will donate a kendo armor to put beside it to display also which will look great.
  7. The Zunari was the inspiration for Darth Vader ive read somewhere. I also prefer the simple Zunari design and bought one in nearly as good condition as this one. I will put up a pic this afternoon when im home.
  8. Not having the easiest time financially at the moment Brian, due to covid lockdown not being allowed to work without getting a large fine and also having to relocate my business within 4 weeks after 10 years in the building. Good news is ive found a suitable building and have almost finished the move but very costly. Just to let you know that once lockdown is over i will hit the ground running and sign up for gold tier. P. S i hope your functioning pain free now.
  9. Its great to see people commissioning blades and keeping the tradition alive. Not only do I admire the commitment and the beautiful blades shown above but really hope to be in a position to do the same in the future. I look forward to seeing all the commissioned swords in their finished state. JP I would look at it very regularly too. Nicholas thanks for the link, some excellent blades showcased.
  10. Nice story Dave. I enjoy these stories, my Dad was a WW2 veteren also and I too wish I had shown more interest and asked more about his experience before he passed. Thank you.
  11. Dale I cant remember what I paid as it was aprox 5 years ago but Im pretty sure I was happy to pay Grey the asking price. I saw a black iron daisho of this design on ebay but I must've deleted the image sorry.
  12. Hi Dale this first one is one I own and some others ive found.
  13. Great find Pete.
  14. The only times I read about people having a go at NMB seem to have a problem comunicating and spit the dummy when conversation doesnt go the way they had liked.
  15. Bohi and horimono can be done sometimes to remove flaws.
  16. Congratulations on such a beautiful sword and koshirae Mike. Les I really like your tsuba btw.
  17. Looks to me like the end of a broken sword that has been made into a tanto. Greg
  18. I think the saya just looks more curved because of the missing laquer in the damaged area and it gives the look that wouldnt fit. Greg
  19. Hi Steve, I would love to see you save to have a window and if the togi says its worth it a polish and not give in the offers to sell as im sure you will always wonder and probably regret not hanging on to it and restoring it over time. It would be a great project to undertake inspite of the financial efforts to save. Please listen to Chris and do nothing more that oil the blade, you wuld definitely damage or likely ruin it even if you are an absolutely amazing engineer. Its just something that can only be done by traditionally trained togishi. Enjoy the Nihonto road ahead. Greg
  20. The sword speaks for itself and the habaki is an absolute masterpiece. Good luck Jean
  21. Thanks Brian I really like the dark theme, much easier on the eyes especially late at night when I log in if I cant sleep. I was a little reluctant about the change but its really starting to grow on me.
  22. I would be amazed if the blade wasn't a chinese copy. I agree with Ray. Josh you seem to have an interest in Nihonto so I hope this is just an experience to learn from and you stick around and further your knowledge and interest. Good luck. Greg
  23. All the best with your recovery Brian. I haven't been here for a few days and Im looking forward to looking around. Took me 3 tries to log in but when i used my email instead of username it seemed to work. Thanks Brian and rest easy mate. Greg
  24. I had one just like this that I donated to the board raffle a few years ago. Can't remember who ended up with it though.
  25. I think it would be a good idea for members to just look at the positives of Nmb. Theres enough negativity and tension at the moment. As far as Im concerned this place is excellent and so are most of its members and I dont think it needs to change apart from the fact that it would be great if Brian could get some financial assistance for all he does here to keep it running.
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