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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. Greg F

    Sword Blog

    Hi Peter thanks for finding this one. Its amazing how you keep coming up with all the internet gold. Thank you. Greg
  2. Hi Joseph, i have dealt with Adrian a few times with no problems. Greg
  3. What a beautiful piece this is Ray. The blade is amazing, so many details. Greg
  4. Beautiful peices, intesting matching of mons. Greg
  5. Thats so nice, thanks Robert. Greg
  6. Gimei or mediocre or not ( which i dont think so imo) i really like it Stephen. Congrats mate. Greg
  7. Interesting design Joel, I cant remember seeing it before. Greg
  8. Hi Greg its very similar to the modern one i have on my old zunari kobuto so i agree with John and Uwe. Yours looks a little better than mine though. Greg
  9. The new tsuba looks great Stephen. I would like to see the finished product too. Greg
  10. I like the bottom one the most and the top one second. Greg
  11. Wow what a collection! Greg
  12. Hi Javier i love your Zunari. I have one just like it from the same seller judging from the pics. Cheers. Greg
  13. As a parent such a loss is just unimaginable and is the worst thing one could endure. My heart goes out to his Family. The Nihonto world has lost a great one. Greg
  14. That was nice to watch thank you Pete. Greg
  15. Hi Joe my guess would be this damage would have happened after the war from an owner playing Samurai. I could very well be wrong and hope i am. Greg
  16. A big shame that someone that can make a blade like these has enough discipline to learn how to forge such a blade but not enough honor to be honest about them. I think he has reached his limits personally. Greg
  17. Gday Craig that's a sweet deal. Nice sword and free shipping. Greg
  18. Brian i love this idea. Great job as always. Thank you. Greg
  19. Doesnt work for me either Stephen. Greg
  20. Thats a nice package especially the blade. Greg
  21. Hi Greg, no pic. Greg
  22. Reminds me of finding Nemo movie with the seagulls, mine mine mine lol. Greg
  23. Nick i absolutely love your Mt Fuji Daisho. Georgeous set. Greg
  24. Its terrible that this sort of thing happens Alex. My local delivery guy told me that my neighbor used to work for the same company and was caught stealing a number of parcels instead of delivering them and got fired and hopefully charged (now the piece of crap deals drugs). I really hope nothing like this has happened with your tsuba Alex. Its always a relief to receive anything of value in the mail hassle free, especially nihonto relatex items. Best of luck. Greg
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