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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. Reinhard please explain? Greg
  2. Ian thank you mate. Sounds like it would take quite a bit of time to find them so if you dont get round to it its all good. Greg
  3. The 2 daisho sound really special Ian. If anyone has any pics I would love to see them, especially with the blue glass fittings. Thanks gentlemen. Greg
  4. Gday Brodie, I like both the blades youve posted. Good to see another Ausie on board. Regards Greg
  5. +1 Greg
  6. What a nice site to look at thanks Stephen. Some great photos. Greg
  7. I was curious about that blade too. I havnt heard of this before, it would be nice to have the other side done in art polish imo to compare. Very interesting. Is type of polish used much in Japan for th ed same reason? Greg
  8. Les I'd like to see more pics of your koshirae up close if possible? Bazza I for one are keen to see you're two handachi koshirae. Greg
  9. A very nice and interesting sword Stephen, I would be very happy to own it. Enjoying this thread. Greg
  10. Hello Yurie, That would be an amazing place to visit im sure. Thank you for sharing this. Regards Greg
  11. Not made in China, just treated like it was. Thanks Andrew and Brian. Greg
  12. As this is still very very early days in my Nihonto study I havnt got a huge collection of books or swords but out of the books that do fill my shelf I dont fully understand what im reading but im in it for the long haul so i will get there. Occasionally if I see a great deal on a book that I know will be handy when my knowledge is greater on the subject I grab it but funds are low so its not often. One thing for sure is I way rather a book than anything on a computer apart from NMB ofcourse. Being in a country that has few meetings and living in a town thats very lonely in terms of this hobby I like to get any book I can afford that has great pics of swords and tsuba and english explanations are a great bonus. Greg
  13. Hi Bob im sorry this happened and really hope you have it back in your hands and hopefully it wont cost you the $1000. Its horrible knowing there are such lowlife scumbags involved in anything to do with this hobby. Best of luck. Greg
  14. Great video Pete, walters videos have been a huge inspiration and great for info for me making a few knives with hamon. Greg
  15. Hi Adam can we see a pic of the full tabi please. Greg
  16. I Love it Stephen, sit back and enjoy mate. Happy Easter Greg
  17. Let us know how it goes with the alcohol and microfiber please. Greg
  18. I have this one thats around 6.7 wide and 1.2 cm thick. Greg
  19. Hi Francois and welcome. If your still looking for tsuba boxes there is some for sale in the for sale section. Greg
  20. If you go for it Emilio I would love to see more pictures of blade and koshirae. Welcome to Nmb. Greg
  21. Hi Julien and welcome, for making small bldes like Japanese style chef knives I use fireplace cement from local hardware and it seems to work well will 1095 especially if you leave the blade surface a little rough so it sticks and is less likely to fall off in the forge. My best advice would be to get as much info as you can from all over. Good luck. Greg
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