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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. Kirill in regards to blade weight couldn't the extra polishes over time contribute to less weight in koto blades too. Interesting thread. Greg
  2. Gary your collection keeps on amazing me. How many tamashigiri swords do you have? (If you dont mind me asking ofcourse). Greg
  3. Outstanding collection Jamie. Im really enjoying your posts. Seeing your swords has refreshed my curiosity of the history of my swords and what they have been through. The history of Samurai and their swords is the most interesting one I can think of. Thank you Greg
  4. Some info from the seller Grey Doffin. Greg
  5. Colin this ones mine by Toshimasa. Ive seen quite a few tsuba of this design but never with the cut. It may be damage, not sure. Maybe Ford could shed some light. Greg
  6. Welcome Adrian , Bert and John. Nice to see more interest in this hobby we all love. Greg
  7. Another one similar tl Rays link. Greg
  8. This is one I own with the same mei. Greg
  9. From my very cheap low quality display sword up to a high quality(for China) sword made by simon lee and many in between none of mine have offset machi. Lucky i guess haha. Seems silly to go to the effort of a hamon and polish lines etc and not line up machi and fix habaki. Just my opinion. Greg
  10. I havnt seen many like that apart from the occasional sword posted here. None of my chinese made swords are like that. Greg
  11. Geez they couldnt even line the hamachi up with the munemachi. Greg
  12. Imho uchiko only for out of polish blades. Thou should never ever buy from one known as samuraimonkey. Sorry couldnt resist. Greg
  13. Would be nice to see close ups with out oil to check out the details. Very nice sword. Greg
  14. Greg F

    First Nihonto

    Nice first sword Dominik. Pretty good pics already as Ken stated, well done. I have a very similar tsuba with most of the inlay still intact. Im a fan of Musashi like tsuba. Greg
  15. Excellent post for an ex excellent sword. I really enjoy seeing your posts about your swords with cutting test info. Thanks for sharing. Greg
  16. We are very lucky to have you back Ford. Glad your on the mend. Nmb would have a huge hole that couldnt be filled without you. All the best to you and lovely Bella. Greg
  17. That monkey idiot really deserves to be taught a lesson. What a piece of crap he is. Julien I admire the way you look at this experience with a positive mind. Greg
  18. Who ever removed some of thd rust removed a fair bit of importatant steal unfortunately and rounded all the edges. A pic with the habaki off would reveal a little more about it but hard to see this being fully restored. As others have mentioned the best way to really know if there is hope is to get an expert to look at it in hand. Good luck Greg
  19. Hi Hannes, welcome to Nmb. A nice 1st sword to begin your addiction with the rest of us haha. The seller has had a few nice wakizashi recently for ok prices. Have you checked out the sales section here? Some great deals from excellent sellers like Ray. You mention practicing iaido, which ryu if you dont mind me asking? Greg
  20. That sword has some cool history Gary. Ive read about Yamada the sword tester and it would be great owning a sword tested by him. Greg
  21. Terrible news. I hope you recover quickly and get to do more of what you love most Ford. May you find balance and remember you cant always please everyone. All the best. Greg
  22. Great deal Ray. This one has a plenty to enjoy and study. Looking forward to more pics. You offer so many sweet sword deals here Ray, one day I hope to give one a new home. Greg
  23. You really are very knowledgeable about Nihonto and a great embasador for Nihonto too Ray. Bravo mate. Greg
  24. Great set of armour Mark. I have a Zunari Kobuto that I am very fond of and plan to one day complete the set with armour that look like it was made to go together as yours looks to me. Greg
  25. Nice to put a voice to the face Ray. Excellent video, my only complaint would be I wanted it to go longer. I subscribed to your channel and im sure it will be very educational and entertaining for Nihonto lovers. Much appreciated mate. Greg
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