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Greg F

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Everything posted by Greg F

  1. Ive used a shotgun cleaning kit. There is a brush similar to yours that reaches all the way that i used on an old say and discovered a previous owner had shoved tissue in the end of the saya and the brush was able to drag it out. Its definitely a bad idea to use shinken and a much worse idea to use nihonto. Greg
  2. Thanks Looks good. Greg
  3. Hi Rich is the new blade 1095? Greg
  4. I also had an interesting conversation with the seller about this sword. I told him they are modern chinese replicas and he said "they are registered with the Japanese museum of historical artifacts and he has the paperwork. He said he is Japanese American and thanked me for the suppression of his culture and told me that the typical American thinks he knows everything." Im Australian and know little but I know he is a scammer. I told him that his sword is the topic of conversation on the internet and he is welcome to join in but he stopped replying at that stage. Oh well. Chris I will let Simon know your appreciation. Greg
  5. I sent a pic from the ebay link of the unsigned sword in Chris's link to Simon and he said " Hi my dear friend. Im pretty sure this abrasive sword is not my work. Both size and scale are wrong . Im pretty sure its made in China. I think its 5 years not 500 as he describes it. But this is just my opinion and thoughts, I hope it can help you. Thank you for your letter have a nice day. Simon." Greg
  6. I sent simon a pic of the blade hopefully he will get back to me but im sure it must be one of his after what Koichi-san said. Curious about what Simon thinks about his bldes being sold as 500 years old. Greg
  7. I believe your right Koichi-san my apologies. He (Simon)seems to be making many different looking blades now compared to when I purchased one years ago. The hamon on the sword in Chris's ebay link just looks so much like a komonjo. Maybe komonjo gets some of their blades from Simon. Simon told me years ago people sometimes sold his swords as old blades and he was against it. I might show him a pic and ask him if its one of his and see his response. Greg
  8. Greg F

    Questionable blade

    The first thing that jumped out at me was the artificially aged nakago, hard to look past that. Greg
  9. If you have no intention of selling then I say yes if you want to fully enjoy what you have and are happy to spend money on polish and imo shirasaya. This is something only you can decide. Greg
  10. Luis its probably a good idea to show pics of the blades your planning on doing this with to see what the experts have to say. What period was the sword/s made? Is it to remove flaws? Greg
  11. Chinese komonjo blade surely. Not a Simon Lee blade imo. The price is similar to his best blades but looks more like komonjo item to me. Good choice coming here first indeed. Greg
  12. That would go nicely with Bazza's beautiful fuci kashira on his xmas card in the Christmas thread. Very nice, congratulations. Greg
  13. Jabob i reckon get it polished and enjoy it. Greg
  14. That job would be too much of a pain in the neck. Greg
  15. Good deal, congrats Darius and buyer. Greg
  16. Greg F

    Replica Armor

    Hi Malcolm I thought that could be an issue. Greg
  17. Thanks Ed I look forward to having time to watch this asap. Greg
  18. Greg F


    Looks like the easter bunny with basket of eggs. Greg
  19. Barry I love the Masahiro wakizashi koshirae. The other 2 links dont work for me for some reason. I like the idea of koshirae staying with blades but when there is money to be made and some sellers are going to split them up. A shame lets not let it stop this thread huh. Keep em coming guys, please. Greg
  20. Greg F

    Replica Armor

    You can get antique armour for around that price on ebay. Check out some of the sellers like basara_jp. Maybe not the best condition but better than repro. I bought a pretty good zunari kobuto from basara a few years back for a decent price. Greg
  21. I for one would love to see any fine koshirae members are happy to share. Good topic Piers. Greg
  22. Greg F

    Replica Armor

    Hi Chuck im curious why a repro instead of authentic? Greg
  23. Hi Ron just buy from one of the sellers here like Ray or someone and your safe. Greg
  24. Hi Bruce he really is a scumbag that shouldn't be alowed any kind of Japanese antique or ebay. Ive reported him a couple times. Hopefully karma will get him, unless someone that he ripped off gets to him first. Greg
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