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Greg F

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Greg F last won the day on February 18 2021

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About Greg F

  • Birthday May 18

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    Nihonto, bonsai, boxing, martial arts.

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    Greg F

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  1. Very sad news. Ford was a great artist with a unique wealth of knowledge.
  2. Very nice stands. Well done
  3. Impressive sword
  4. I have been extremely busy the last couple months and have missed a lot and just saw this. My thoughts are with you Guido. Nmb is missing you mate.
  5. My deepest condolences to all those close to Darcy. He has shared an amazing wealth of knowledge here and I'm grateful for his dedication.
  6. They look great Paul. Tomoko is very strong and doing better. We have continued our weekly iai practice in Kyohei's honor. I'm looking forward to buying another bag from Tomoko when I purchase a new iaito in the near future and I think I will go with the blue and white crain bag, great choice Paul.
  7. Thank you all for the well wishes and kind words. The funeral will be Saturday. Hasnt been a nice way to start the year. I cant beleive he is gone.
  8. I write this post with great sadness as on Thursday evening Tomoko's husband Kyohei was taken from us after battling covid for a number of weeks. Kyohei was one of the kindest and most honorable people I was lucky enough to meet. We practiced iai and kenjutsu together regularly and I will always see him not only as one of my dearest friends but as my brother and sensei. We also enjoyed bonsai together. Today I am getting together with Tomoko to help with funeral arrangements and I will give the best wishes and condolences on behalf of Nmb and the members who have dealt with Tomoko in regards to her excellent sword bags. I dont know if anyone has any orders placed with Tomoko at the moment but im sure she will honor any business transaction but if there is any small delay please be patient . Thank you
  9. Klaus and Paul thank you both for the positive feedback and Im glad you like the bags as much as I do. Tomoko really does deserve all the great feedback she is receiving. I look forward to seeing her tomorrow to tell her about it. All the best
  10. Glad you like them Tony. Tomoko really appreciates the feedback.
  11. I like it Adam, a big fan of red copper fittings. Ive got some of my best tsuba from that seller over the years.
  12. Dale thats a gorgeous pup mate. One of my favorite breeds. So far my Amstaff is more interested in my daughters toys than mine .
  13. Very interesting thread , much appreciated Alain.
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