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Michael 67

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Everything posted by Michael 67

  1. very interesting. Thank you very much.
  2. is 1600 USD expensive for Wakizashi?
  3. can someone say something about the signature?
  4. what do you say to the Wakizashi? I got offered to buy it.
  5. Yes, a little, I should add in the description ..
  6. if anyone is interested, you can make a realistic offer on PM
  7. I have blocked China and Russia .. strange things happen on ebay
  8. I just listed my Yasutake Sword on ebay. Please check it out if you are interested! http://www.ebay.com/itm/391377804862?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
  9. Ok , Many thanks
  10. I've seen this Tsuba. I really like the Tsuba. modern or an old tsuba? which means the signature? can someone translate for me? many thanks for your help. Greetings Michael
  11. Fuchi signed Zaichôshi Iriyama Gikin sei . ca. 1760. Kozuka/ Kogatana signed Ushu-ju Masakane ca 1704 to 1711.
  12. Shodai and Nidai minamoto Yoshichika with cuttingtest by hakudo
  13. it was not me. The Hamon is already very present Ich hab nichts gemacht
  14. learned something new .. Thanks Jean
  15. everything is alright. The blade does not move in the Saya.
  16. Michael  67

    Old Tanto ?

    Hello, this Tanto I got from an older gentlemen, his father bought the Tanto once. Unfortunately, he could not tell me about the Tanto .The blade is not signed. The length of the cutting is 28,5 cm. Fuchi / Kashira with dragonfly motif. Overall a nice Piece.
  17. Hello, I have listed a Wakizashi on eBay. If interested, please write me. http://www.ebay.com/itm/391361089819?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 Regards Michael
  18. Hallo Chris, Da kommen noch etwa 21% Zollgebühren auf den Gesamtpreis drauf ... Das wird dann gleich deutlich teurer..
  19. Hey Greg, The seller wanted for wakizashi No.1 $ 1,000 ... I have paid for all the little more,
  20. Wakizashi 4 overall length is 51,6cm cutting edge is 40,6cm Moto- haba is 2,2cm Sori is 0,9cm Unfortunately, the owner did not have any feeling for the blade ... The condition of the blades makes me sad .. Maybe it's worth some money for the restoration to be paid?
  21. Wakizashi 3 overall length is 44,0cm cutting edge is 33,4cm Moto- haba is 2,7cm Sori is 1,1cm
  22. Wakizashi 2 overall length is 69,0cm cutting edge is 53,7cm Moto- haba is 3,1cm Sori is 0,6cm
  23. The mon is bamboo with snow, , fujinami kuge Family , i think. the dimension of the blade. Wakizashi 1 overall length is 63,3cm cutting edge is 49,4cm Moto- haba is 2,6cm Sori is 1,3cm Hamon Suguha
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