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Everything posted by manfrommagnum

  1. The item can be held up because someone else's items were in the same container and flagged an inspection.
  2. http://m.ebay.com/itm/151605649021?_mwBanner=1
  3. Maybe corrosion from an attempt to clean it by an ignorant former owner.
  4. Just bought one. It is two matching sides. Was this a Meiji export item?
  5. What do you think about the quality of the fittings?
  6. Looks like it is delaminating in pics. Check out this item I found on eBay: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=271754232211&alt=web
  7. Total awesomeness! "The son rises from west to east. The tiger is the steel or the steel is a reflection of the tiger" haiku to you
  8. You are 100% CORRECT. Hiw do you do that?
  9. I am thinking one of the characters is hiro or hama. Another is tada? can't figure much else.
  10. Is there anything else i should know from the NHTBK papers?
  11. Can't figure any of it out. Dont know what papers say either.
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