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  1. I would like to add a comment, that when looking at old photos, particularly online, everyone should be aware that the image can possibly be mirrored. I have noticed this now and then when looking at old photos of places I am familiar with, where I know the image is mirrored. Obviously there is no single reason for every case, but a common cause is when scanning slides, or negatives, and feeding them backwards. Just something to keep in mind.
  2. I had the thought that it could do with the recoil, but I wasn't sure why they didn't just carve it into the stock. Preserve the aesthetic lines of the traditional tanegashima stock?
  3. So, it's just a solid version, instead of an open loop. It's not clicking for me how this would be related practically to the large caliber, unless maybe it was solid and meant to counter the weight of the barrel. Is it a style specific to a school that made large caliber weapons, or is was it used in different regions?
  4. Yeah, this.
  5. Can anyone explain what the thing is on the bottom of the stock on the matchlock in the attached link. I'm browsing around the web looking at what people are selling to practice identifying authentic traits, etc. I have no idea what it could be and I don't recall seeing it before on any tanagashima. http://www.collectorsfirearms.com/Japanese-matchlock-al2570/#.VJDiB2f4CUk
  6. Well, I was trying for something that referred to the time and effort taken to gain experience, not age. There are older guys who are new and younger guys who have already been at this for years. And for the record, I can be a bit of a dipshit myself, so, no offense taken here.
  7. As much as I would have liked, cracked shower walls need to be addressed before I get mould
  8. What you "high mileage" guys do on this board is about the best you can do to build interest in the field. It gives newcomers a way to get involved, without needing to already be an expert. It gives newcomers a way of making connections and building personal relationships. It gives you the chance to find the new guys that are genuinely dedicated and worth the time mentoring and helping along. If you try mentoring every idiot that wants to buy a samurai sword, you are going to get frustrated and fed up.
  9. Did a little browsing, could be more specific to Japanese Buddhism, vs Tibetan Buddism. http://www.Japanese-buddhism.com/buddhism-symbol-dharma-wheel.html Or, I'm guessing it has something to do with Family Crests http://imgkid.com/samurai-crest.shtml http://chingfordgames1.homestead.com/files/rpg/TRANS_FANTASTIC_jap_clan_crests.gif
  10. When collecting becomes investment, it becomes a problem for collectors.
  11. I assumed that targeted thefts are more common to collectors than smash and grabs.
  12. I don't know. Unless you need a forklift to move the safe, the steel will be thin enough a cordless cut off saw will open it up in a couple minutes. If they know you have something they can sell, a thief is going to be able to get it.
  13. Is it common to transpose the same scene on the front and back of a tsuba? The arm of the guy on the stairs goes through the tsuba to the back to show holding a sack over his shoulder?
  14. The plastic used for model making is called 'polystyrene', or usually simply 'styrene'. The easiest place to find it is at model train shops, which also seems to be the best place to find small brass rods - used to replicate steel parts on small scale models. In bigger cities, you can find the same stuff at architectural supply shops, used to make concept building models. Ron, if you head to the back of Janzen's paint and hobby in Winkler, they have all kinds of stuff for model making.
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