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Everything posted by ancientnoob

  1. Pretty nice and refreshing look. Good choice.
  2. Hi, I brought this type of sword up for discussion a while back. Although the sword is of comparable low quality, and is short of a nihonto art sword, what you have is a fabulous and very old relic/ artifact. Although it might have flaws and considered mass produced. Its still an interesting part of Japanese sword history and worthy of enjoyment. This is what the folks told me about the Kazuuchimono. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=19166&p=172668&hilit=kazuuchimono#p172668 Don't forget to still enjoy the specimen for what it is...a 500 year old weapon.
  3. Kory san, Its a strong attempt at showing your sword. I am confident we cannot photograph the true beauty I can only imagine the pleasure you must feel. You have a great specimen. I shot another photo of my Kissaki edge. I am sooo Im pressed that the polisher was able to correctly return the proper shape as part of a standard polish. WOW. I have included a glamour shot and a before photo of the tip that was repaired. Sorry I posted my Kissaki pic in the wrong thread. *Edited*
  4. Ford, I was not aware that craftsman of your skill level, still existed in the modern world. I suppose the UK has their own living national treasure.
  5. Quite beautiful. Nature's true inspiration, both is spear and post. I appreciate you posting this spread.
  6. The tsuba arrived today from Grey. A wonderful piece. Its in what I consider amazing condition of this vintage. The transaction with Grey was flawless and I certainly recommend him as a seller. I look forward to doing business with him in the future. Just what my wallet needs....another hobby... I will be posting my own photos in the near future. I just need to figure out how I can possibly improve on the seller photos...
  7. I can't help you not one bit. I am eager to learn more about the sanskrit horimono. I was reading that attribution by Horimono is possible, but I am not sure if that is true in all cases, and I am not sure if it would be possible in this case. I have looked at lots of pictures of horimono and this doesnt seem to be the worst one of the lot. It could have been carved when it was made, or when it was reshaped and or at some later time. There is a lot of speculation in this field. I can not comment on if the horimono is low quality or high quality, although I just read that the simple horimono was common to the earlier periods and wasnt as intricate or flashy as they are in the edo period. I am hoping some the big guys here make comment. In my opinion I would suspect that the horimono was left unfinished and the only thing I see that is truely low qulaity is the photo... The piece is certainly worthy of better photos.
  8. I am just loving the mei art on this piece. Gorgeous.
  9. This is am amazing looking sword with even better photos. Wonderful!
  10. I am just seeing that now. I really need to stop reading the NMB on my phone. Sure I have pictures... If you want specific pictures or better pictures send me a PM.
  11. I could not agree more: weather forecast is really a drag (Sorry Nathan, I could not resist, i should be ) @ Jean, Yea you got me. Laugh it up. :lol:
  12. I can't really comment on weather the sword is a good buy or not- I am too new. I would think its a tad expensive being $6000 and all. I too have searched and continue to search for the elusive katate-uchi and it appears that my one humble sword might be just that...
  13. I might be alone with this idea... I would like to a book or part of book that surveys the mass produced koto swords, including types of Koshirae and defining characteristics. I also would like to see a work that surveys the different types of gimei and the techniques and reasons why they were applied. Maybe this survey could include diagnostic tools for spotting to determine the age of such a mei. It might make for a short book, but I would find it an interesting insert to any work on swords. I applaud your work, thus far..kudos....
  14. Ron, The cross cultural influnece on this piece is amazing. The fact that the Sanskrit envokes the protection of the warrior is just cool in every regard. Great, Now I want one. This thread certainly made me go through my books and look at the different types of Horimono. Just Neat-o.
  15. Great lead! It made for a great read last night. Thanks. Let me know I you find anything else. Fascinating!
  16. Fred, Thanks! I'm cool with that. It's nice to be able to acquire an old tsuba like this with some prov. for not a lot of money. I appreciate all the help and time you folks share.
  17. Man I really like this tsuba. Its a really neat piece with a lot to look at. Something tells me that Ford, knows who to send it to for conservation... :lol:
  18. Although you guys agree it is not a Myochin, would you still consider this to me a an authentic piece of the 16th century or some later revival of the style?
  19. Thank you. Can you provide a link to the info you found? I appreciate it. As a matter of completeness the tsuba comes from the Skip Holbrook collection. Who from what I understand is quite recognized in the hobby.
  20. You found it Mumei. That's the one.
  21. Thanks all for the help. Today I talked to Grey and I opted for a Muromachi Myochin iron tsuba in great condition.
  22. I don't expect anyone to do my homework for me. If you look at my previous post you will see what I am talking about. I asked for an opinion, and I appreciate yours and everyone else's. I read about swords and related items every night for 2-3 hrs. I 8 or so books. I would like more but they are expensive and often hard to come by. Mind you I am 6 months into the hobby. If someone wanted help with their ancient coin homework I would be happy to help, especially if I was selling them something. :-) Once again I appreciate everyone's time and help in this hobby. It really is tough with a steep learning curve.
  23. Good advice. I very happy to hear all these great things about Grey. I appreciate your two yen Hoanh.
  24. FWIW- I am totally impressed with the photos of your sword. The activity looks alive. It gives me the impression of a liquid flowing inside of the sword. WOW!
  25. Mariuskz, Ron, Ed, Thanks guys. This will be a pass for me. @ Ed, Good call. I have checked out Grey's site and have one or two that I am considering. . I have asked him a few questions and he has been very forthcoming with information. I will most likely pick out something from his site. Especially after finding out he is a well respected NMB member. @Mods Thanks for moving the thread, I realized I posted it in the wrong spot. Such a noobish mistake. They are items... T133 Owari sukashi, F113 Amida Yasuri, (I think I like this one the best.) T172 Kinko Tsuba Any thoughts on these...
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