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S Sinatra

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  1. Thank you very much for your expertise Morita.
  2. I have added a few pictures to help, the blade from the tip to the Habaki is 21" The sheath looks possibly military? Could be the wrong one altogether? I had someone look at it and they thought that is was one that was made for the war, but to me it looks older than that. Any help is appreciated! -S
  3. Thank you all for your information! I cut down the pictures of the fittings so that it would be easier to navigate. I like this sword and I did get a good deal on it, but I definitely do not have $2000+ for polishing. I will take it to a show if there is one in my area. The closest place to me with any real help would be Portland OR, I will post when I get up there. If it was passed down to me, I would consider it. I do intend to get a window polish, if for nothing else than to learn about the sword. I am very new to genuine Japanese swords but I find them very intersting! I look forward to creeping the fourm until I have more to contribute. - S Sinatra
  4. With a lot of research and a LOT of help (thank you Gabriel L) I have found out a decent amount about this blade. I am still curious to know more if there is anymore that can be told. I'm not sure if the measurements make it a wakizashi. I believe the curvature is Torii Sori. I don't know if that helps date it at all. I know that it is in pretty bad shape. It is believed to be pre WWII but mounted for WWII. I am curious how old it might be, and if you think the signature is genuine or fake. Thanks! -S Sinatra
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