Hi Folks,
Just some bad news (for people who wait for their blades) for the Eric Roush customers.....
To keep a long story short - Eric Roush had a blade that belonged to me for over 2 years and 10 months - he ignored my e-mails and my attempts to contact him. I, praise God, was contacted by a guy whom Eric offered my sword for sale.....the gentleman found out (very long and amazing story) that the sword was mine and returned it to me.....as I have been told by Eric's neighbour - he has left his dwelling place and has (with his female partner) disappeared....owing money to heaps of people etc....
Bad news because of the fact that I had it confirmed that he wanted to sell my sword and common sense tells me he would/will attempt that same scam with others - in my humble opinion not only unreliable but a criminal....feel sorry for everybody who is "still waiting for his/her nihonto".....
"be not deceived whatsoever men sow they will reap!"