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Everything posted by Nihontocollector19

  1. Another orphan menuki http://tinypic.com/r/fcl7ch/5 looking for a match for my buddy as a Christmas present not for sale
  2. * Uploaded by admin, original pic too large *. Dimensions 1 3/4th
  3. Thank you Franco that's the kind of reply I'm looking for and this sword is very valuable to me in sentiment value it was a gift given to me by my best friend as a token of our friendship and apericatation for Japanese swords. And I made a promise to have it mounted and foundation polish ik the foundation polish will cost a lot so that's why I want to mount it I have a good 600 in fittings
  4. Only picture I have I'm waiting for my friend to send be the blade just a question how much would it cost to have a regular saya with a bamboo engraving that can have a slot of kozuka is all I really wanted to know and a silver habaki I came here cause I'm new to this whole thing I'm not old timers like you guys I don't have a big wallet like most on here I'm waiting till February till I'm a navy recruit on to boot camp so I can earn a decent living I come from a middle class family who's parents lost their jobs . We are living with my grand parents. And I'm looking for part time work. I do odd jobs in the mean time . I don't have a lot of knowledge so I look to you guys for advice and except for certain people here like Barry willing to help me it feels like a pool of sharks waiting to take a bite I didn't come here to be scolded I came here to learn and talk with people who liked the stuff I was into
  5. Also I recently found out by the person who gave me the wakizashi that it was a cut down sword and it nakago needs to be worked on is that expensive
  6. It needs new everything I'm have the sageo and Ito wrap I have all the fitting I also have a kozuka knife that needs to be mounted
  7. I'm also looking for a habaki maker looking for a custom silver habaki
  8. I'm looking for someone that can help me a custom saya for my wakizashi I will give measurements when I find some willing and price is right I'm thinking something basic I have sageo wrap I want it black finish with bamboo design on it open to ideas I have a bamboo koiguchi
  9. Looks like a lot of interesting point of view from most people the fact remains I can see how much diverse opinion on this site. Arnt we here to learn and help others with our knowledge not ridicule others books arnt affordable to everyone
  10. Recently found this thing on ebay I'm not sure if it's worth picking up any thought if I should get it restore by Fred lohman and if I should get it mounted
  11. Recently I been looking at a lot of menuki on ebay with all different sizes is 1.3 inches considered small what idea for collecting I would like to hear everyone's opinion
  12. My experience was pleasant helpful and nice I just bought a decent pair of menuki from him for not a bad price and he was able to look for a pair with the size I needed as word of adive for newbies don't buy from zen gallery he is a scumbag who jacks up the price and punishes you when you have to return said Item my experience in beginning helpful then said turn coat liar
  13. Thank you everybody for your input dose anyone think this kogatana deserve to have a handle
  14. Has no mei on it photos I have are what seller posted any ideas on it
  15. I don't currently have it in my possession any I'm new here learning as much as I can
  16. Muramasa from samurai deeper kyo. And senbonzaukura from bleach
  17. Anything you may no about reply
  18. Thank you jean and how do I do that
  19. Hello everyone I'm new to this site I came to this site to learn as much as possible about Japanese art history and relics of the pass I'm 18 years old proudly going to the serve the us military in the navy and I'm hoping to get to know all of you maybe exchange friendship and knowledge I'm just starting out and getting formilar with the set up here and I hope to make friends with you and have a nice day my name is Andrew
  20. If anybody may know what their worth or anything about them I open to some information just started collecting
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