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Everything posted by Nihontocollector19

  1. So recently I been exposed to the thoughts that Thier are other Nagamitsu besides the osafune main one has anyone seen the works or know about the others
  2. Curious on the school you guys think my kashira is from and any links to the school would be helpful to read
  3. Thank you so much S and I surely hope so and thanks for the proper selling always a tricky one.
  4. Good morning and hello gents. How is everyone today so I’m wanting to start a thread for fittings inspired by samurai armor and or accessory’s they would of had. As I found my self a unique kashira in the shape and the style of kabuto and I’m curious what else is out there in the high end of things. As I’m brain storming a pontential Mount up on what I can find. The kashira is iron with excuse the spelling Noume zonga gold inlay yes I know I spelt it wrong not sure the correct way. I’m guessing Early to mid Edo. Photo is taken from the sellers listing as I am not home to take better Not for resale.
  5. Okay I will how do I delete this thread
  6. Surrender tags not included with mounts
  7. I have a set of kyu gunto fittings I’m thinking of letting go of since I Having the blade papered and polish originally I planed to keep them but I’m having thoughts of letting them go the blade is not for sale but they come with Tsunagi Interested in hearing offers or trades. I won’t let go easy
  8. Picked up this guy a few days ago and was wandering if I could get opinions on the mei
  9. Hey Bruce I do completely agree with you with the reputation. But my focus is just seeing how much showato vary as many pass on them because they are not made traditionally. So I’m mainly looking st no name smiths whose blades are uncommon we all seen a few big examples of big name smiths but you don’t really hear about the little guys. With that being said I loved to see showato made by gendaito smiths aswell to see how they compare
  10. Good afternoon gents I have a question for the fellows that collect showato. We all know that gendaito are the preferred blades to collect for in this time period and can measure there quality throughly. But my question is a different take I have seen people classify showato as high quaility medium quaility and low quality... my question like any good blade how dose one spot one that belongs to each of the following category I know their a records of what smiths made but besides that to the eye canany if you for certain just by looking at a blade if it is indeed low quaility. I know for some that can do it an older swords and it’s alot easier but for something like this I’m pretty curious. Also if anyone of you guys want fill free to post pictures of your showato you would like to share.
  11. https://www.ebay.com/itm/KOTO-WWII-Japanese-Samurai-Sword-Officer-KYU-GUNTO-Original-Shin-Gunto-KATANA/222907285662?hash=item33e64f409e:g:l50AAOSwZshavvEF
  12. of course the one time im broke i would have loved this tsuba
  13. looks to also be damaged in the hilt area unfortunately i cannot tell you if its a family blade without seeing the blade further. commonly these were parade swords with a chrome blade but i suspect something else might lay in side. a for the famliy name my book is packed and i cant read it off hand im sure someone here can help with that
  14. looks to be your typical kyu gunto with company officer tassel no pictures of the blade ? seems to also have a famliy name etched on the side from what i see ww2 era
  15. Hello good morning gentlemen today i have an interesting kurikata i recently picked up. i have not seen this motif before and i started researching it and found the origins quite interesting i'm curious to any information on it and if you guys think its worthy of sending to shinsa. it appears to say its signed by Toshinaga after some research i found out he is a maker for the nara school if its the same guy i do not know. as i have not heard if this school before today and find it quite an interesting piece. will let others also formulate their opinions in good faith. any information would be appreciated. link is to original ebay listing https://www.ebay.com/itm/292444293918?ul_noapp=true
  16. Curious if anyone has seen pretty good reference images of castle themed fittings I seen a few
  17. Hello everyone good day i'm looking for some good book recommendations to further some study and to help me take this hobby a bit more serious. i dont have focus yet but i would like a book possibly that has information on oshigata to start.
  18. From what I gather a lot members here have been collecting for 20+ years and have seen a lot of beautiful pieces come and go. my question is if you guys have any reference images of high quality tachi koshirae and other types of high quality koshirae would you guys be willing to share?
  19. yeah i know right well im pleased to say this was successful and the seller is a stand up guy willing to work this out with me so they are reunited and money will be put aside for restoration and i will update everyone once its all put back together it was successful thanks to all of you thank you everyone
  20. so i was given an update on regards to the blade im attempting to track down. and im hoping the seller might be in the groups or the buyer. this thread is attached and a on going discussion on the military swords of Japan part of this forum but the blade it self is a koto blade. i ask the fellow members on this page had anyone of you in the past year buy a koto blade from a dealer from Sydney Australia that fits this overall description or if you are the seller can i get the person you sold it to as i would really like to complete these two reunite. the blade would of been in shirasya the hamon was very narrow in places.
  21. update what the seller has told me so they were separated fairy recently so theirs a hope if anyone may know any dealers or collectors in sydney this might be our chance to see who he sold it to. dam i guessing im going through the rabbit hole. but their a high chance then before. below is what the seller told me The Majors koshirae came from a friend in Sydney who had also owned the blade and had it polioshed however he got sick of the blade because the hamon wasvery narrow in places. He sold the blade in shira saya
  22. yeah it dose look idenitcal i truly dont know what to think but its missing the tassel it once had and thank you guys for sharing this
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