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Bernard last won the day on March 28 2018

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    Bernard D

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  1. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/525883510/Japanese-metalwork-technique-by-ford-hallam/comments
  2. Bernard

    Omori Hisanori?

    The kozuka illustrated in Yakozen tweet (cf the link provided by Yas in post #6) reminds me of the kozuka I posted on this forum in 2013:
  3. Meiji teapots can fetch a very high price at auction. One, estimated EUR 3000-4000, sold for EUR 93'750 at Christie's Paris in 2017 ! https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/lot/theiere-en-fer-de-style-komai-tetsubin-6117927-details.aspx?from=salesummery&intObjectID=6117927 Here is mine, a much more modest piece : Bernard D
  4. I made some new photos of my two silver kiseru for this thread. My favourite is the one carved with waves. It is signed Omori saku. Bernard D
  5. Bernard

    Is it too easy

    Hello Adam, There was already a discussion about the zogan on this tsuba : Bernard D
  6. Bernard

    Is it too easy

    ...and mine Bernard D
  7. Kowari Tetsuya (Oribe). Bernard D
  8. Not exactly a tokkuri, but a katakuchi, made by Kowari Tetsuya (Shino). Bernard D
  9. A small Iga tokkuri, by modern potter Manabu Atarashi. Bernard D
  10. Here are 4 surimonos depicting rats/mice. The first one signed Zeshin, the others by unknown (at least to me ) artists. Bernard D
  11. Here is an old pottery : an oribe chaire, 10 cm. high, 16/17th century. Bernard D
  12. Hello Malcolm, A fine Kunisada triptych ! Thank you for posting. Is my print a triptych with a missing sheet? I don't know... According to the short note in my possession, the print is said to be by Shunki and described as a diptych featuring " feux d'artifice au pont Riogokou , daté 1807 sur la lanterne". Bernard D
  13. Fireworks in Japan... Bernard D
  14. Great ! Thank you, Steve. Bernard D
  15. Thank you for searching ! By the way, did you notice the clock on the wall in this surimono? I have another little print (in a sad state ) featuring such a clock, with more details. As you probaly know, they are called "kake-dokei". Here is a link to a real one : https://www.christies.com/lotfinder/Lot/a-Japanese-iron-framed-striking-kake-dokei-late-18thearly-4448865-details.aspx Bernard D
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