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Everything posted by Jean

  1. Alex, Check the Comments, it is a reprint edition, otherwise I am sure there would have been a recent topic on the Board got it a few years ago. Edit to add: https://www.amazon.com/Samurai-Swords-Clive-Sinclaire/dp/0785825630/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1254665411&sr=8-1
  2. Don’t bother Alex for your new posts, I did it for you, it will appear automatically . This book is IMHO not a new one, perhaps a reprint.
  3. Chris, 3) already addressed Washing: when do you wash your shirts/pants? « How many swords can I threat... » : never threat a blade by fear it slices back answer: it depends on too many factors. General answer when it is dirty, and this depends on your own perception of « dirty » meaning..
  4. You can wash it in water 40º C with neutral soap (no added scent) and rince it afterward.
  5. Don’t bother about adding your name Pat, I dit it for you so it will automatically appear each time you post.
  6. Wah, FWIW, I just ask Paul Martin, if he has time, to find ten of them for our Token. I have one, Paul offered me years ago, I keep it preciously.
  7. That’s what I thought but really could not match the sword kanji with the fusa kanji....
  8. Uji....
  9. Better none than a fuzzy one....
  10. Jean

    Ko Term

    It was chartered...
  11. Jean

    Ko Term

    Grev, Don’t you think that if it was as simple, it would have already been put in chart by Japanese kodogu experts?
  12. Jean

    Ko Term

    Why not say: Ko means early or before, instead of trying to do it as western people, meaning putting everything in nice square boxes. Dates in tsuba are very « flexible », unlike daito, they were rarely dated (I have never seen one) and they were more often unsigned....
  13. I like this one and the Spencer rifle https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/296885800424641670/?utm_campaign=category_rp&e_t=1f974981eae14b19b57dae598c9be176&utm_content=296885800424641670&utm_source=31&utm_term=16&utm_medium=2012
  14. In fact Steve, except for some smiths specialized in kogatana forging, almost all kogatana signatures are fancy ones, don’t even trying to match the original ones, they can rather be considered as « hommage »
  15. Chris, Take in the table the column M, then scroll down to line 9 and you have Stephen kanji « ko » translated just under, M9=ko. It is the Ko meaning small as opposed to Chu (medium) and Dai or Ô meaning (big).
  16. Smith name is Kane Yoshi
  17. Jean

    Kanayama? Tsuba #2

    After all, wasn’t Ono school originating from Owari...
  18. I’ll do it Nick, be sure ....
  19. That’s what I thought, Nick, taking into account the splendid swords in koshirae you post here. Really the most outstanding lots I have seen for a big while. Thus, before passing, I hope to see you posting the Norishige and the Mitsutada...
  20. Ben, I think I’ll go for the Mitsutada, the Fukuoka Ichimonji and the Norishige daito...
  21. Jean

    Sword Fittings

    Me too, Pete
  22. Slight ware on the left and a small polish ware on the right nothing to worry about
  23. Coming from umabari/bashin
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