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Everything posted by Jean

  1. USkragnut, PLEASE, comply with the Forum Policy and sign all your post by your first name followed by an intial. It is mandatory.
  2. Sabatier, Here is a link where you can study at leisure the sugata of katana, wakizashi, tanto. It will ease your task to identify Chinese fakes. https://www.aoijapan.com Edit to add: buy one or two books
  3. Correct Franco
  4. Yes, something like that
  5. Years ago, Darcy had a Kinju katana for sale with a typical Enbun O kissaki.
  6. Hi Paul, Where is the venue (some people ask me) as on the tickets it is written Beatrix Theater and not the The Royal Dutch Exhibition Center?
  7. Here is an example, forgive my ego don’t forget to put your pseudo.
  8. In order to spot NMB members at the exhibition (it is Rokujo’s idea), it will be fine if people wear a badge identifying them, like: NMB Jean
  9. Thanks Ray for posting the link
  10. Curran, Even with « stolen » prices, NMB members are seldom in a buying mood/mode but for books, and if price is above 1000$ there is nobody left or almost. I don’t know why. I can tell you that your price is unbeatable.
  11. Remember guys, a few years ago Aoi Art had for sale a tanto by the founder of the Ayakanoji school for about 1,6 M¥. The ONLY existing tanto by this smith. There were 2 known but one disappeared during WWII.believe me or not, it was on the website for at least a couple of months. Should I have had the bucks I would have bought it at once. A fantastic piece of history, nevertheless nobody seems in a hurry to buy it. It was TH, I am wondering what kind of criteria was needed by NBTHK to pass it juyo...
  12. French membe s, Please, do it. You will have a fantastic opportunity what most of you have never seen in Europe, best Nihonto from Japan and USA. Please don’t miss this opportunity. Try to convince your friends to come by, it will be a test. If it works, we could have this event become a yearly one. Otherwise, noone shall have any right to complain that nothing happens in Europe.
  13. Generic mei
  14. Rushmore mountain
  15. Well done Ford
  16. Jean


    Doesn’t matter John, I know that by opposing we can end them
  17. Jean


    Know that I am with you John through this ordeal against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
  18. Robert is a real expert in kodogu/Tosogu and in Katchu. He wrote a book on the armours displaid at the Stilbert Museum in Firenze. He is also very good in swords. When he was still in activity he invited me several times at his home to have dinner and showed me a few of his treasures, I remember a first generation Soten and a a signed first generation Muramasa tanto with a yahazu hamon among other treasures. His flat was a real museum with yumis, Armours displaid and shelves all over the walls crumbly under the weight of hundreds books...
  19. IMHO, not welded
  20. I corrected the title
  21. Saburo Kunimune could be also a good answer. For people who have Markus Sesko book Koto Kantei, look at pages 134/135. He was also very good at Ichimonji style.
  22. The main difference Robert is in the steel. Bizen smiths refined their own ore. Generally shinto swords shinogi ji is masame, but I have seen exception
  23. Robert, It is not really a sansaku boshi, it is more like some kind of classical boshi where the hamon enters straight in the kissaki and then is perfectly parallel to the cutting edge. The typical sansaku boshi is generally pointed and is rather straight or inward curved fom entering the kissaki then goes straight to the point before turning back. If you want examples of what is a sansaku boshi, take Markus Sesko book, Koto Kantei, and look at Nagamitsu oshigata.
  24. Patrick, It is a possibility as well as Kagehide who had the same hamon or Nagamitsu but no sansaku boshi. Ichimonji is also a good call, Fukuoka in particular. My feeling is Hatakeda Moriiye
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