I shall add that should NBTHK has some consistency with their Juyo criteria, there are blades which should not have passed Juyo and others which are not and should be... all depends on sessions, but it seems that the historical importance of a blade is less and less important in the decisions. You can see that there are a lot of Juyo blades which sell at a lower price than TH ones or even Hozon ones. This shows the limits of Kanteisho. Kanteisho level does not make the market. What would be the price of a Hozon Awataguchi daito compare with some Kozori Juyo?
Edit to add: in fact, all depends on your collecting interests. No doubt that Peter’s Naotane should sell at a higher price that some Juyo, that is why I shall say, don’t focuss too much on kanteisho level. A lot of people will have their blades certified at Hozon level, they know what they buy.