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Everything posted by Jean

  1. Bob, You should not have stopped drinking, there is only one thing to do, hit the bottle again."
  2. Peter, Just a smith among thousand, forging at the beginning of shinto period, did not left any important works but forged enough blades to be listed in a book in the 21th century...
  3. I never questionned a shinsa decision, I let it to Japanese experts and when they strongly disagree between them (I have had examples), I’ll always say: remember Kanteisho is only a written opinion...
  4. In the same way: https://www.seiyudo.com/tu-250515.htm
  5. I read Hirosuke, I love it, each one can give a free interpretation..... I can see the Kami kanji, Geraint.
  6. Ingres
  7. Thanks a lot guys. My photo don’t do justice to this tsuba which has a very good iron.
  8. Rayhan, I shall add that should NBTHK has some consistency with their Juyo criteria, there are blades which should not have passed Juyo and others which are not and should be... all depends on sessions, but it seems that the historical importance of a blade is less and less important in the decisions. You can see that there are a lot of Juyo blades which sell at a lower price than TH ones or even Hozon ones. This shows the limits of Kanteisho. Kanteisho level does not make the market. What would be the price of a Hozon Awataguchi daito compare with some Kozori Juyo? Edit to add: in fact, all depends on your collecting interests. No doubt that Peter’s Naotane should sell at a higher price that some Juyo, that is why I shall say, don’t focuss too much on kanteisho level. A lot of people will have their blades certified at Hozon level, they know what they buy.
  9. Koshirae could get TH, anyway, very difficult to say anything as there is no blade pictures. Can you provide it Peter?
  10. That’s it Bob, Kaneyoshi
  11. Chin Cho is a personnal opinion, Peter, so it does not mean that the sword will go Juyo. In fact have a look at the statistics: how many Naotane’s tanto have passed juyo, and how many Shinshinto tanto have passed Juyo.
  12. Opinion on this one, which school?
  13. Don’t forget that some schools have a bo hi on the shinogiji as a trade mark and kantei point as Miike school.
  14. In fact I am between Cahors and Sarlat and my countryside house is not even elegible to ADSL...
  15. Thanks guys
  16. Jean, I cannot compare, I am on vacation, scarcely from time to time I can connect but cannot print or upload easily pictures, that’s why I ask Board’s members opinion. It took me 5 minutes to upload the picture in my e-mails and more than 10 minutes to make my post on NMB. I am not going to spend my holidays trying to upload pictures but for once rely on the Community.
  17. On behalf of a friend
  18. http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/9453-new-sword-what-is-it/?hl=%2Bhosho.+%2Bkanekiyo&do=findComment&comment=95805 You can see jinie throughout the blade
  19. No Guido, I strongly refuse to indulge in porn stories. This thread should be flagged with a mention « for adult eyes only » BTW, beware of false friends in foreign idioma. For example, in Spanish, a « pollo » is a « chicken », if you want to talk about a hen, never say « a polla » because it means a dick. This is not as you may notice a porn remark but a linguistic lecture. ROFLMAO
  20. Jean, if you start to compete with me for bad pun on mispelling, I fear the worst for this board. BTW, if you look in the dictionary, you will see tha Shithara stands for « turista ».
  21. Graham, The signature is not «satisfying » I entirely agree with Ray, it looks as it has been added and very poorly. Check again with commercial sites showing tang signatures.
  22. Congrats my friend
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