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Everything posted by Jean

  1. Clearly the seller expects a swap.
  2. Generally, companion sword for tachi were labelled kodachi (if not tanto) - length between 45 cm and 65cm. Kodachi can be considered as the wakizashi ancestor.
  3. Manuel, if no success with NMB, try facebook Tsuba collectors group, if not already done😊
  4. Love it
  5. Don’t bother: there is only one official classification done to avoid endless discussion Under or equal to One shaku: Tanto Between one to two shaku: wakizashi Over two shaku: katana or tachi Now you are free to use whatever term you want but officially the above classification will be used. In the same way in official papers, you’ll only see : Naginata naoshi.
  6. The cat is saying: « i don’t trust anymore anyone » « Last time a vet gave me a shot for a vaccine, when I woke up someone had stolen my balls »
  7. Send him to get an anti-covid vaccine 🤣😂
  8. « If its first class work it will be attributed to the founder), » Not necessarily, it must tick all the smith kantei points. The best example is Soshu. How many unsigned top O suriage Soshu blades are kanteied to Masamune? I have seen an hozon O suriage Kuniyuki which will never achieved Juyo.
  9. If I remember well, his name was something like Simsic. I saw him once or twice at KTK meetings about 20 years ago.
  10. Jean

    Hamon style opinions

    Not Toran, gunome.
  11. The Nihonto world is small. I have met all these people the only polisher fully trained is Massimo Rossi. Zenon Vandame was partially trained in Japan. For the others, I sall not say as Jacques that they are incompetent. They are not fully trained in Japan, but some of them were basically taught by Laurent Milhau. Some of them have passed some times in Japan, training. Some were partially trained by a fully Japanese trained French polisher who has given up polishing more than 20 years ago. Some are self taught. I had several diners with Robert Burawoy at his home and I have seen his private collection (among them a Muramasa tanto and an impressive collection of keris). He has now been retired for years. His galerie was in île St Louis, same for his flat which was the reunion of several flats in centuries old joint houses. Walls were covered by shelves loaded with books, with here and there armours, set of bow and arrows... a fantastic museum. Those were the days....
  12. Christian, Tsuba were sent by myself from France to England. At 99,9%, English Customs does not interfere. Nobody knows why they pick up this parcel saying they were to contact Grev or myself to have an invoice. Strange, as UK was still part of EU. After 3 moths, their only feedback is : « we lost the package »
  13. Jean

    Maker Info

    Smith is Sukenobu. You have all the data here to translate. I let you find the province http://www.jssus.org/nkp/index.html
  14. I don’t see any hamon but dirt and rust
  15. Tracking number CC827521965FR/EH296972629GB These two tsuba send to Grev on October 12th arrived in England on the 14th and were detained by English Customs waiting for an invoice and stating that either the Sender or the Sendee will be contacted. Noone was contacted. After An inquiry from Parcel Force International, it seems That Customs lost the parcel. Theft is not excluded so look out after these two tsuba and If you see them contact either Grev or me by PM. There were a mirror tsuba katana size and a Sakura Yamakichibei wakizashi size
  16. Jean

    Kantei challenge

    « The clear madame hada« Are you getting obsessed Barry...😂🤣
  17. CHINESE FAKE. RUN AWAY Here is a website, have a look at the swords, study them. Japanese swords have nothing to do with these Chinese junks. https://www.aoijapan.com Michael, study just a bit to be able to indentify the real thing. Otherwise.....
  18. B) unless gendaito/shinsakuto, very very difficult to get, look for ububa swords. But I prefer them in pristine polish, rather than in their original polish (Being interested in koto swords) C) Fittings original to the blade is a goal difficult to obtain as tastes change over the centuries.
  19. Jean


    My friendNick has the gift to offer excellent affordable mounted swords (blade and koshirae) and other stunning Japanese artefacts. Undoubtedly one of the best in this category. It is always an immense pleasure to visit his website🤩
  20. Just google the signature and it will bring you a lot of information. The first generation creates sudareba, hamon looking like bamboo curtain. It is the school trademark.
  21. Tamba no kami Yoshimichi
  22. Robert, I can only join the members and say a prayer for Mittens.
  23. I suggest that, as a Board rule, the posts must be written in English/American😄 Otherwise, discuss in PM.
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