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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Hi all, nice find, do we have more examples, looks like european knight gloves... http://www.trocadero.com/stores/mandala/items/1254113/item1254113.html Best Regards
  2. Barry, tell me about the Peter effect, is it kind of a syndrom ? Best Regards
  3. BIG

    Satsuma Tsuba

    This is sellers describtion... http://www.ebay.com/itm/18-C-SUKASHI-KATANA-TSUBA-NBTHK-Japanese-Samurai-Sword-Fuchi-Kashira-Menuki-/272078206284 Best Regards
  4. Hi, a very int. PDF about the warrior in the togugawa time...you need the translator, german language https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/binary/F5Y33G3NITWAR336EO7CIZL6GGOVZ4VG/full/1.pdf Best Regards
  5. Hi Bruno, here is one mei http://www.shoubudou.co.jp/baikyaku-tousougu.html Best Regards
  6. Hi Barry, thank you too, a big hand... Best Regards
  7. Hi Arnold, Here is a to ken info http://to-ken.uk/onewebmedia/ToKen-11-Dec-2014-report.pdf Best Regards
  8. I'm sorry, Jean C. , Not my house, not my rooms, not my naginata... google find ...honestly I felt a little bit in love with the Darcy Shodai Tadayoshi.... Best Regards
  9. Hi Arnold, https://yeltres.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/yoroi-1.jpg Best Regards
  10. Hi George, a link to the costume.... http://www.iz2.or.jp/english/ Best Regards
  11. Other thoughts.... http://www.nihontomessageboard.com/articles/Examining_the_Origin_of_Soshu-den_old.pdf Best Regards
  12. Guidoemon...?? is he a guido retainer? Best Regards
  13. Yeap, don't mess around !! Best Regards
  14. Hi a real int. You tube.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0WAvwDTYZ0w Best Regards
  15. Hi Philip, here is a shinto naginata... http://www.nihontoantiques.com/archive/fsn2.htm Best Regards
  16. Congrats to your decision to invest and congrats to Mr. Hofhine ! Best Regards
  17. Hi Florian, did he write " without kizu and flow".. ? May be Mike from Nihonto.eu can help.. Best Regards
  18. Hi, the artist and gardener...http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:27047/eth-27047-02.pdf Best Regards
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  19. Hi, fine exhibition at the Discovery museum Haneda Airport. http://www.dnp.co.jp/artscape/eng/focus/1511_01.html Best Regards
  20. Gunto soho posted sfforum http://kindai.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/1460369 Best Regards
  21. Hi, newspapers article about the Sekitsugu Naruse gunto repair "mission" in china.. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2003/12/29/commentary/cutting-an-ancient-myth-down-to-size/#.Vo5gAa_GKrV Best Regards
  22. BIG

    Juyo Shinshinto

    Hi all, asking for Juyo results, swordsmith Naomasa http://nihontoclub.com/smiths/NAO76 also any background info app. Thanks and Best Regards
  23. BIG

    Xmas Eye Candy

    Honi soit qui... Best Regards
  24. BIG

    Xmas Eye Candy

    Hi http://tools.wmflabs.org/magnustools/flommons.pl?user=PKM&mode=category&category=Swordsmiths_from_Japan Best Regards
  25. BIG

    Niō Kiyotsuna

    Welcome back... Best Regards
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