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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Hi, well known craftsmen ... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f7z9pkQnz_0 Best Regards
  2. Most of the swords are still lost... http://articles.latimes.com/1989-01-22/local/me-1345_1_japanese-swords Best Regards
  3. Hi all, here is you tube with him... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KF7TbTdUVew Best Regards
  4. Some nice items... http://www.iaf.org/download/Japan_2009.pdf Best Regards
  5. Hi Donald, may be Hamazaki smith... http://www.touken.or.jp/english/nihon_koto_shi/(52)%20No.613.htm Best Regards
  6. Discussed on the board, with this blog we have the proper swordsmith name. http://yasutoku.blogspot.de/2014/07/tachi-by-kajiyama-yasutoku-may-1936.html Best Regards
  7. Hi "new" museum, nice gallery... http://www.samuraimuseum.jp/photopage/index.html Best Regards
  8. three techniques in a museum bulletin: https://www.rekihaku.ac.jp/english/outline/publication/ronbun/ronbun8/pdf/177005.pdf Best Regards
  9. Here is nice tsuba showing the swordsmith Kokaji Munechika forging the famous Kogitsune Maru, ( little fox) https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/22815/lot/160/ Best Regards
  10. Last one... Whole blades http://www.w0w.co.jp/aikuchi/product.html Best Regards
  11. http://en.rocketnews24.com/2015/03/25/i-katana-apple-designer-collaborates-with-traditional-craftsmen-to-create-Japanese-sword-set/ Best Regards
  12. Traditional craftsmen and apple designer created aikuchi.... Best Regards
  13. all good things...please tip HISTORY Best Regards
  14. Sorry...http://gallery.kyohaku.go.jp/public/search_en.php Best Regards
  15. Here are some letters from and to him... Best Regards
  16. Hi Josh, good find. It is said that Naomasa committed suicide, did not stand the swordsmith pain ... Best Regards
  17. BIG

    Jade Tsuba

    Not so rare tsubas... http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/28621 Best Regards
  18. and Chapter III third sentence... ...very effictive weapons more and more overshoed the men who used them... Best Regards
  19. Eric, it's chapter II, right after quote number 38 about the french musketeers... Best Regards
  20. Sorry, the translation...the Japanese had social problems with firearms... Best Regards
  21. And an int Paul Varley pdf..with thoughts that without the guns there was no united Japan.. http://publications.nichibun.ac.jp/region/d/NSH/series/symp/2007-06-00/s001/s009/pdf/article.pdf Best Regards
  22. Hi Eric, I have the german version from Klett-Cotta.. page 36 ... Hatten die Japaner mit den Feuerwaffen auch soziale Probleme. ... Also int. Die Produktion von Waffen in Japan, LIT Verlag, Harald Poecher Best Regards
  23. Hi, Perrins thesis that the Japanese had social problems using ( owning ) tanegashima is not true. Many high ranked samurai had teppos and used tem, so the gun had no bad social prestige. PS like the perrin book Best Regards Pps it is said in an edo contest a bowman fired 13053 arrows in 24 hours; the gunmans coups were plenty...
  24. BIG

    Jade Tsuba

    While watching met treasures, find that Jade Tsuba.. http://metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/33387?sortBy=Relevance&what=Edged+weapons&ft=*&pg=2&rpp=20&pos=31 Best Regards
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