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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Hi James, here comes the wakizashi...
  2. Hi Arnold, try to translate Mr. Hoppens last sentence: ...you have to venture this ( financial ) step; the joy to own such an artsword let you forget the loss of money. Imo the word "loss" isn't the right idiom. I will ask Mr. Hoppen soon as possible, he caught a bad cold and I am fearing the same. Best Regards and thanks for your opinion
  3. The first sword on the left ... https://markussesko.com/2013/09/09/nbthk-eb-meeting-in-salzburg/ Best Regards
  4. Lucky day in january ... https://nihontoclub.com/swords/0000-0144 Best Regards
  5. Got it today... Wakizashi ( Chisa Katana ) signed and dated. NBTHK TH. Polished by Mishina-sensai. Original koshirae: saya black laquer, F/K golden drake shakudo with nanako ground, menuki golden drake, Tsuba not original but is fitting very well, iron sahikomi, 17th. century http://www.nihonto-gallery.de/de/schwerter-nihonto/wakizashi/14-de/wakizashi/48-taikei-naotane.html Proudly presents Peter Reusch
  6. Thanks for sharing Peter, would be a great pleasure having more older articles on the board. Best Regards
  7. In some discussions we come to this premise: The number of restrictions for the sword collector and dealer will rise. So the future trends will see less nihonto collectors/dealers and more tosogu guys. Shipping a tsuba one dealer said, is put it in your poket, and check in the plane. No problems... Secondly " it is said, Nihonto from Koto to Shinshinto is a loosing game ". Trend coming soon is the gendaito and later sword, opinions... Best Regards
  8. Welcome Benjamin, good to have your wife in the hobby. Best Regards
  9. BIG

    Arms And Armor

    Hi, find a int. Pdf about the evolution of arms and armor in medieval era.. http://www.temixwten.net/biblio/IQP-EvolutionOfMaterials-MedievalEra.pdf Best Regards
  10. Hi Henry, Markus gives advice... https://markussesko.com/2013/09/14/the-secret-world-of-mekugi-ana/ Best Regards
  11. Hi all int.in traditional architecture...http://www.nara.accu.or.jp/elearning/2006/tradition.pdf Nice pdf Best Regards
  12. Nihonto history in the US.. http://www.francisboyd.com/monogatari.htm Best Regards
  13. Markus gives advice... https://markussesko.com/2015/09/ Best Regards
  14. Curran thanks for your fine business side, always a pleasure to watch... May be seeing a new site as time goes ... Best Regards
  15. Hi regulation news.... https://www.aoijapan.com/notification-for-regulation-term-change-of-federal-express-Japan-k-k Best Regards
  16. Hi, some thoughts about a small step or an unreachable dream. The master shinshinto swordsmith swords passed juyo level several times. One exellent smith of his school made nihonto on the same level as his master, got several TH's but never passed juyo. First thought after some advice was to try it, why not the first to suceed in Japan. But other guys said do not spent your money for nothing, no chance to pass. It's still TH but still thinking if he reaches 5 TH or more the sword will make it...Do we have ( esp. Shinshinto) such an happy end? Best Regards
  17. Hi, int. Pdf by Austin W. Clark about the impact of Ashigaru ... http://cupola.gettysburg.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1095&context=ghj Best Regards
  18. Hi Carlo, http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/15036-meibutsu-shimazu-masamune/ Best Regards
  19. Hi Christian, http://www.ebay.com/itm/Antique-Japanese-Tsuba-Soft-Metal-Copper-Shakudo-Bull-Water-Buffalo-Katana-Mixed-/252684916004 Best Regards
  20. Hard cover or limeted edition...like to watch some xamples... Best Regards
  21. BIG

    Bashford Dean

    Hi ...http://archive.ec/zR9Rm Best Regards
  22. May be the earliest...http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/25817 Best Regards
  23. The glass house will survive... Best Regards
  24. A 1 200 000 yen piece... https://touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/product_details_e.php?prod_no=WA-0160 Best Regards
  25. thanks for sharing... Jiro Taro Naokatsu is the right xmas present, some for sale in Japan these days. Only hoping from the chair to the coutch... Best Regards
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