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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Join the process... http://www.asia.si.edu/sotatsu/play.asp?video=process Best Regards
  2. Thanks all, Piers will you share a pic of the tsurumaki... Best Regards
  3. Believing !!! Best Regards
  4. Hi thoughts about that..? http://www.froginawell.net/Japan/2009/10/mystery-circles-on-early-armor/ Best Regards
  5. BIG

    Good Sword On Aoi Art

    A good one too...3250000 yen https://www.aoijapan.net/katana-mumei-den-kanenaga17th-nbthk-juyo-paper/ Best Regards
  6. Hi, nice pdf by Morgan Pitelka... https://kb.osu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1811/36276/EMJ_v.16_Pitelka_Morgan_Early_Modern_Warrior.pdf;jsessionid=A6236110588E448D53FAD6C60418CC02?sequence=1 Best Regards
  7. A mystery ... http://www.simonpilling.co.uk/catalogue2015/pages2015/SJP%20cat%202015.pdf Best Regards
  8. Norishige-utsushi http://www.nihonto.ca/suishinshi-masatsugu/ Best Regards
  9. Hi, Japan today ....http://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2016/07/23/books/bushido-samurai-code-goes-war/#.WL2Za-vGKK0 Best Regards
  10. Hi here is nice poem about Katanamochi... ume saku ya setchin no soto no katanamochi Issa 1824 plum blossoms- outside the outhouse a sword bearer Translation D. Lanoue "A samurai of decent rank could afford such an attendant because human labor was so cheap" https://darumamuseum.blogspot.de/2010/02/katana-1-sword.html Best Regards
  11. Anyone expieriences... http://inishie-kb.jp/en/ Best Regards
  12. Hi, article by Nelly Naumann and Roy Andrew Miller... Old Japanese Sword Names And Stories Relating To Swords http://menadoc.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/download/pdf/150672?name=Old%20Japanese%20Sword%20Names%20and%20Stories%20Relating%20to%20Swords Best Regards
  13. Hi a to-ken article...http://to-ken.uk/onewebmedia/Japanese%20in%20Brazil%20Nihonto%2001%2002%202017%20v1.pdf Best Regards
  14. What's about the hamon.. Soden Bizen Kanemitsu.. Best Regards
  15. Hi Ray, as always Markus gives advice https://markussesko.com/2015/08/11/the-wakizashi/ Best Regards
  16. Hi all, some int. Thoughts about armor...NO it's about blood revenche history in Japan. http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1963&context=theses Best Regards
  17. Danke Schön, thank you very much !! Best Regards
  18. Hi all, recently found on the netherlands to-ken site in the bibliothek two biographies about Taikei Naotane by Kataoka Ginsaku (probably in dutch language). If someone help me out with these, most appr. and welcome. Best Regards
  19. Ginza Mitsutoshi news... http://i.isetan.co.jp/mitsukoshi/ginza/en/news/2017/01/the-nihonto-unfathomable-mystique-contained-in-a-sharp-blade.html Best Regards
  20. Lost in translation.. Mr. Hoppen changed "loss" into "use" and gives items a only for study mark. Best Regards
  21. Good question so, do we have enough items fot a long shinsa weekend in Canberra, Adelaide, London, Berlin or Paris ? Secondly is NBTHK willing to have that shinsa outside Japan. Asking the NTHK or NPO Mr. Bowen once said, yes he will do so in Europe some day... Who is willing to organize and take care? Who will ship his swords and drive or fly anxious or in good hope... Questions, questions, questions concerning the mind of the ambitious collector today... Best Regards
  22. Don' love mumei on shin shinto blades Best Regards
  23. Regards to the young ones. Rayhan welcome to the NMB. Not bad for the first post. Best Regards
  24. James and here some more... https://books.google.de/books?id=YvqNcpSz8nQC&pg=PA90&lpg=PA90&dq=naotane+utsushi+kanemitsu&source=bl&ots=TkWuKRVsDL&sig=QpfGkOQ2vAmGjrr5ySjL92Fxaog&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwii_dLF-N_RAhWCVSwKHSKZB0wQ6AEIJDAD#v=onepage&q=naotane%20utsushi%20kanemitsu&f=false Best Regards
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