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Everything posted by BIG

  1. On shibuiswords read this article.. http://www.shibuiswords.com/nbthkshort.htm Best Regards
  2. Very hard to find them...https://markussesko.com/2015/09/19/copies-homages-and-reinterpretations/ Like the true copies from the Naotane school. A la mode shogun, when the Soden-Bizen declared best, Kanemitsu/Kagemitsu utsushi had a big market, so you find them even in our times to collect... Best
  3. and here is some background, hope not to special... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uomP1qdwo0I Best
  4. Markus story...https://markussesko.com/2017/09/28/the-blade-with-which-sen-no-rikyu-committed-seppuku/ Best
  5. May be some of our members tried.. http://www.blacklakemedia.com/ironden/ Best
  6. and a western bladesmith... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/Japanese-swordsmith-workshop-1.4178240 Best
  7. Nice you tube .. https://m.youtube.com/watch?ebc=ANyPxKqiX0YZ8BiwOL4znG63dXx0ZykxiK62nfo4SEXsby0lXWMpA1lhegZ3xvrY4_ms7r4qFlEYvY50atHcT47njKfozKP4_w&v=sR3LzsnyhkI Best
  8. Wow, Francesco .. Thanks for contextualisation a short history of the sword and mankind!! Interested in your seminar, please share data and pics, very welcome.. Best Regards
  9. Derek, all depends on the sword!! It is said, Mishina-sensei once visited germany and to this very day all non polished swords ( twilight swords ) need to get advice by him. All collectors got the advice, that none of the swords were worth a polish. Point. And the following lesson stated that all western collections are are the same kind of collections. The Japanese way to collect follows "the way is the target", as long you are on the way, you are doing good. So is your sword worth a polish in europe or in Japan? Best
  10. Int. report about the new museum in Berlin.. https://markussesko.com/2017/10/24/report-samurai-art-museum-berlin/ Best
  11. Out now.. http://www.zentosho.com/assets/the-annual-dai-token-ichi-2017.pdf Best Regards
  12. Old eyes find at least.. http://www.mfa.org/collections/object/tsuba-with-thousand-monkeys-design-11323 Best
  13. Hi Henry, Otsuki Mitsuhiro.. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/222602401871?rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%253A%252F%252Frover.ebay.com%252Frover%252F1%252F706-53473-19255-0%252F1%253Ficep_ff3%253D2%2526pub%253D5574735181%2526toolid%253D10001%2526campid%253D5336086427%2526icep_item%253D222602401871%2526ipn%253Dpsmain%2526icep_vectorid%253D229529%2526kwid%253D902099%2526mtid%253D824%2526kw%253Dlg%2526srcrot%253D706-53473-19255-0%2526rvr_id%253D1346118646138&ul_noapp=true Best
  14. Chris good luck for this tanto.. Best
  15. And curious when the hammer falls... Best Regards
  16. Curious about the Gassan Sadakatsu... Best
  17. For sale.. http://www.blouinartinfo.com/photo-galleries/auction-preview-arts-of-the-samurai-at-bonhams-new-york-oct-30?image=12 Best Regards
  18. BIG

    Cutting Edge Top Ten

    It is int. that Taikei Naotane made copy of the soden bizen and not of the ichimonji... Best Regards
  19. Saving for your first hundred... Best
  20. Naotane wakizashi, .... http://www.sanmei.com/contents/en-us/p2025_脇指%E3%80%80銘%E3%80%80七十七翁%E3%80%80藤直胤(花押)%E3%80%80嘉永七年二月.html Best Regards
  21. Darcy counting many coups... http://www.nihonto.ca/ha/ Best
  22. Coming soon... http://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/daitoukenichi001.jpg Best Regards
  23. Hi Alton, saw your sword.. http://shootmagazine.com/wildwest/Yr1866-TACHI-Japanese-Gunto-Army-Officers-Military-Sword-67cm-Samurai-Katana_r656323746282.html think youre doing good, try to share some more pics from that love of your life... Best
  24. Nice Item for sale....2 500 000 yen. He worked with Hosokawa Masayoshi, Taikei Naotane and Kiyomaro. https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/product_details_e.php?prod_no=KA-0079 Best Regards
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