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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Think there are different ways to define an art sword... Kantei by Tanobe-sensei. Mishina-sensei's decision to polish. Sayagaki by Yoshikawa Koen. Expertise by Mr. Hagenbusch. Best Regards
  2. Here we go... http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=129432 Best Regards
  3. You tube.. https://livejapan.com/en/in-ginza/article-a0000669/ Best Regards
  4. If you are going to develop your collection, and develop means to get higher quality blades, you have to sell your lower blades or you accumulate and don't sell anything ( and possibly waiting longer for a new purchase). Pay twice, with a loss selling and with more to pay for the new ones. Be sure that "hobby" is the love of your live... Best Regards
  5. BIG

    Good Or Bad

    Tozando good or bad tsuka.. http://weblog.tozando.com/Japanese-sword-how-to-know-if-a-tsuka-is-good-or-bad/ Best Regards
  6. Anybody know the utsushi came from with this masame hada? Best Regards
  7. Thanks for that interview Franco. Best Regards
  8. At Actland park, Kochi the authentic swordmanship scroll of the great swordsman is on exhibit... http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/11/09/national/history/sakamoto-swordsmanship-scroll-declared-authentic/#.WZA8POvuKrU Best Regards
  9. Hi Bob, here is an token-uk article about a gimei blade. Thoughts about Kajihei signature ( Kanji Echi Zen) and fine references. http://to-ken.uk/onewebmedia/Article%20about%20Masanori%202017%2013%2004%20-%20Final%20V1.pdf Best Regards
  10. BIG

    Tsuba Poem

    Int. poem and story. Greetings to your rich family member. Best Regards
  11. I am with Ray, Naotane school sue bizen utsushimono... Best Regards
  12. In case of fittings and other samurai stuff they stand for faithful manners. There singing reminds to the Japanese word for "faithful".( Tschu, tschu, ...). They are also sponteanous and quick in action, so not so seldem we see them as a menuki and F/K theme. Best Regards
  13. May be this you tube about the famous Yoshikazu Ikeda finds some interest... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yJKB0ga5cY8 Best Regards
  14. Touken Matsumoto blog about a conference in june with the sword traders ass. and the NBTHK https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/blog/2017/06/27/all-japans-sword-traders-association-and-the-nbthk-conference-june-19-2017 Best Regards
  15. Discussed his moving to the u.s. yesterday evening. A not replaceable loss for the german/european collectors. And a treasure for the u.s. community. Best Regards
  16. Grey, 56 swords new to the market..curious, do you list them next week ? Best Regards
  17. Hi Andre, ... http://drdeanhartley.com/ColHartley/Oriental/ArmsAndArmor.htm A pic of some... Fritz Miller.. Best Regards
  18. Thanks for sharing, worth a visit in the neighbourhood... Best Regards
  19. Curious, find nothing more about the tanto... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NEz5CBo0vqk Best Regards
  20. Yoshida Shoins tanto was found after a long journey.. http://en.rocketnews24.com/2017/03/30/sword-of-one-of-japans-last-samurai-discovered-in-house-in-america/ Best Regards
  21. Hi Henry, think your little friend is a Japanese wax wing... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waxwing#/media/File%3ABombycilla_japonica.jpg Best Regards
  22. Hi Andrew, may be you can tell us more about the Naotane wakizashi you introduce on your FB site. Best Regards
  23. Thanks Ed, ... Best Regards
  24. Hi Ray, we have the info that the to-ken society decided to publish their archives in early 2014 for the benefit of us nihontophiles.. Best Regards
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