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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Never ending story.. https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/a-century-later-shirase-returns-to-sydney-a-hero-after-rescuing-66-australians-20160325-gnqxk8.html Best
  2. Sword back to the antartic museum in Japan.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sckKzjXFg8Y Best
  3. Yes easter time is oats time, will join a cold beer this evening, .. About the famous sword people often thought, there must be a kind of a curriculum vitae section on the board, to save all the members of the fellowship of the sword in a gallery..?!! Best
  4. Int. article by Gary T. Ono http://www.discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2018/2/16/samurai-swords/ Best
  5. ...http://chicagoshimpo.com/e-community/16_0520_SwordShow_E.htm what about the 70 % mumei blades and and from the mei swords 70% gimei blades..? Best
  6. Large page with that "art"... http://japanwarart.ocnk.net Best
  7. Hi Jeremiah, not much to find... https://www.aoijapan.net/katana-oshu-sendai-jyu-fujiwara-kunikane-shinshinto/ Best
  8. Portrait found.. http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201801220005.html Best
  9. Grossartig, swords and fittings and books in one room.. Best Regards
  10. BuduJapan article, .. http://budojapan.com/feature-articles/the-Japanese-sword-lethal-beauty/ Best
  11. Nice event... http://budojapan.com/video/2018-nippon-budokan-kagamibiraki/ Best
  12. Fantastic story, like that green furnished living room .. Really big in Japan... Best
  13. History but it's nowadays seen as art... https://arielhudnall.com/2015/09/13/appeasing-the-dead-the-blood-ceiling-of-hosen-in/ Best
  14. English version.. http://uk.hokushinittoryu.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2014/08/History-of-the-Hokushin-Itto-ryu-Hyoho2.pdf Best
  15. Once in a lifetime, I will visit KYOTO... Best
  16. Hi Ken, second link, first Japanese, than engilsh, at least german..on the right side... Best
  17. Int. story in german, Japanese and english. The soke told me that the history of that school is the best documented school history in Japan. http://de.hokushinittoryu.com/news/ Best Regards
  18. Nice display and poem... Best Regards
  19. Hi, looking for a shin shinto reference from toukenkomachi... Referenced marerials SEKINE Hō-ji Showa 51 ( 1976 ) http://www.toukenkomachi.com/index_en_tachi&katana_A060517.html Best
  20. Armour including one sword.. https://www.justcollecting.com/militaria/five-of-the-most-expensive-pieces-of-samurai-armour Best Regards
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  21. MetCollects, John Carpenter https://www.metmuseum.org/metmedia/video/metcollects/amusements Best
  22. Luis and Geraint, thank you for this analysis. Yes mumei shinshinto do not receive TH, ... Best
  23. Why not bought in Japan? https://www.aoijapan.com/katana-mumeiyamaura-saneo Best
  24. Japan society video... https://www.japansociety.org/webcast/how-to-eat-like-a-samurai Best
  25. Piers, thank's for that ...and please more info on the funding project.. Best
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