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Everything posted by BIG

  1. BIG

    Cutting Edge Top Ten

    It is int. that Taikei Naotane made copy of the soden bizen and not of the ichimonji... Best Regards
  2. Naotane wakizashi, .... http://www.sanmei.com/contents/en-us/p2025_脇指%E3%80%80銘%E3%80%80七十七翁%E3%80%80藤直胤(花押)%E3%80%80嘉永七年二月.html Best Regards
  3. Darcy counting many coups... http://www.nihonto.ca/ha/ Best
  4. Coming soon... http://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/daitoukenichi001.jpg Best Regards
  5. Hi Alton, saw your sword.. http://shootmagazine.com/wildwest/Yr1866-TACHI-Japanese-Gunto-Army-Officers-Military-Sword-67cm-Samurai-Katana_r656323746282.html think youre doing good, try to share some more pics from that love of your life... Best
  6. Nice Item for sale....2 500 000 yen. He worked with Hosokawa Masayoshi, Taikei Naotane and Kiyomaro. https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/product_details_e.php?prod_no=KA-0079 Best Regards
  7. Newspaper https://www.morgenpost.de/berlin/article212173167/Der-Weg-der-Samuai-fuehrt-jetzt-bis-Zehlendorf.html Best Regards
  8. My favorite.. http://yoshitoshi.verwoerd.info Best
  9. Great series... http://yoshitoshi.verwoerd.info Best Regards
  10. Int. Vimio video creating aikuchi mount.. Best Regards
  11. BIG

    Oei Bizen

    Token-uk pdf article by Mr.Tanner and Mr.Couthino. http://to-ken.uk/onewebmedia/Oei%20Bizen%20Article%2030032016%20v2.pdf Best Regards
  12. Good read,... http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201703080010.html Best Regards
  13. Interesting pdf about the first six years that europe arrived in Japan. A Olof G. Lidin book http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:789497/FULLTEXT01.pdf Best Refards
  14. Short video...https://www.metmuseum.org/metmedia/video/collections/asian/Japanese-bamboo-art-timelapse Best Regards
  15. Hi Gordon, ready for is a fantastic feeling...!! Best Regards PS Let us know when and what
  16. Gutenberg project free Satow book.. http://gutenberg.polytechnic.edu.na/4/3/5/4/43541/43541-h/43541-h.htm Best Regards
  17. As always Markus gives advice.. https://books.google.de/books?id=FLQGBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA176&lpg=PA176&dq=Shinshinto+swordsmith+mitsusada&source=bl&ots=K5MbNu0Lod&sig=h5EKbpt1vfEJ8jfGHa6Mh7UvHL0&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiz1JzBuMPWAhWT0RoKHcTnCmMQ6AEIRTAK#v=onepage&q=Shinshinto%20swordsmith%20mitsusada&f=false Best Regards
  18. The last KENSEI and the first to open a dojo for all man, not only for the samurai class. Best Regards
  19. Famous swords by famous swordsmith of course doing the job... http://hokushin.com.au/about/lineage/chiba-shusaku-narimasa/ Best Regards
  20. The masters page, including fees.. http://kyoto-katana.com/process/kanteiblog/ Best Regards
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