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Everything posted by BIG

  1. BIG

    Tsuba Collection

    You tube.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x0SGVd7pxF0 Best
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  2. In my observation would call it the WHITE samurai room.. Like that taste and light and organisation.. Best
  3. Nice room.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-8jh6V3u4wE Best
  4. BIG


    Hi Ed, Markus wrote about a nickname sword by Ujikumo... https://markussesko.com/2014/02/18/cutting-ability-nicknames-of-swords/ Best
  5. from the Mansfield collection, not so common work.. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/54189 Best
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  6. Thanks Axel, mainly want to share that fantastic dragon.. Best
  7. Where can I go to find some Bizen ceramic figures... https://www.densho.de/japanische-figuren-und-statuen-Japanische-Drache-Figur-aus-Bizen-Keramik-von-Yukei-Kimura Best
  8. May he rest in peace. Condolences to his father and family. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3oH0z05UkJM Never forget..
  9. for the future... http://yokohama.art.museum/static/file/exhibition/listofworks2018_March24_June24.pdf Best
  10. Yes, reminds me on the Japanese saying: expect happynes while sleeping Best
  11. BIG


    Our new members page.. http://www.tsuba-werkstatt.de Best and good to have our well known member Ford Hallem to raise the former and present Nbsk award winners!!
  12. He published and edited fe TSUBA , Book of Sword...there is famous fittings book about his collection.. Here is texas exhibit about his collection...https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth435227/m1/ Best
  13. R.B.Caldwell story... https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1982/june/collectors-swords-stocks/ Best
  14. Congrats Kevin.. Best
  15. Christof Kopp... http://picbear.club/christoph.kopp Best
  16. Try..https://flypaper.soundfly.com/discovery/10-rediscovered-minimalist-masterpieces-from-Japan-thanks-to-youtube/ Best
  17. Not easy to write the blog week after week...many blogs sleeps in after a while... Good idea to have an int. blog and to save treasures... Best
  18. May be the thing is to start with a " Gallary Section " Awful to write at six in the morning
  19. Good idea, IMO we need to save more of the NMB and Nihonto world. Make a special section so.. Darcy had the same idea to save stories..It's also fine to save the anecdotes from well known sword people as a legacy for the current and future sword family. Do we honor Afu Watson, Mr. Hagenbusch, ...And what's about Paul Bowman, Peter Bleed, Ian and ....? And every time one great man passed away we have " sad news" thread and that's all. Best Regards
  20. Hi Ron, hope the you tube is helpful.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D_5Ha1qyFDo Best
  21. Guido, IMO Naokatsu had a bigger meaning for the work, than " little gem " . Kind of a jewel in the crown.. Best
  22. Jewel radical.. https://www.joyokanji.com/radical-notes/96-jewel-radical-玉-and-王 Best
  23. BIG


    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5W7lIG6xB4E Best
  24. Sacred jewel...masterpiece!! https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/product_details_e.php?prod_no=KA-0179 Best
  25. Paul Varley's int. thoughts ... http://publications.nichibun.ac.jp/region/d/NSH/series/symp/2007-06-00/s001/s009/pdf/article.pdf Best
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