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Everything posted by BIG

  1. great..https://www.harvardartmuseums.org/collections/object/330499?position=21 Best
  2. From the Tamayama Meishitou an Ishiguro Masayoshi masterpiece.. http://e-touken.com/?p=2209 Best
  3. The kids are all right..https://Japan-forward.com/touken-joshi-girls-are-infatuated-with-Japanese-swords-and-its-good/ Best
  4. Welcome Yurie Endo Halchak on the board... Best PS please tell us more ..
  5. BIG

    Bonhams Images

    Thanks Brian and Randy, missed that.. Best PS would like to have the real book
  6. BIG

    Bonhams Images

    where can i go to get the Kajiheishingioshigata? http://images2.bonhams.com/original?src=Images/marketing/21404Lot1199.pdf Best
  7. Hi Klaus, here is a german sayashi.. https://www.nihonto.eu/de/restauration/schwertscheiden/ Best
  8. BIG

    Bizen Wake/kokubunji

    Hi Matt, find only this .. http://www.samuraiantiques.com/s11.htm Best
  9. BIG

    Sword Blog

    The early NBTHK member could be Mr. Kenichi Endo, Fukushima... He was interviewed by Paul Martin, so may be he will give us advice. Really int. story about the famous Mori sensei sword group. Do not understand that there is no info and data about the early NBTHK history and the protagonists. A book to write.. Best
  10. BIG

    Sword Blog

    Yes, https://studyingjapaneseswords.com/author/yuriehalchak/ Best
  11. BIG

    Sword Blog

    Study of the Japanese sword, int. Blog.. https://studyingjapaneseswords.com/about/ Best
  12. How to..article.. http://jpninfo.com/78527 Best
  13. Daiwa foundation video.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VIoEk4i0iOQ Best
  14. Robert please share more pics.. Best
  15. Thinking about the little number of that swords. Customers were warrior nobility, court nobility, shrines and temples, merchants and after the restauration collectors and businessmen. Opinions about the customer "mei" and notification. Why not more ...this sword was made for Hideyoshi.. Best
  16. May be he told us, when he visits good old europe this year, ... Best
  17. Chris Bowen postet, Markus Thunder cutter story.. Here we go..https://markussesko.com Best
  18. Yes Robert, can strongly recomment Mr. Hoppen and his high end swords. Check it out. Best
  19. May be a sign on the wall Naotane Katana passed Tokuju. Shinshinto is coming up.. Best
  20. Welcome on board, Matt. Yes, Ray is right, the best reference is Markus 3 volume work. Check it out. Best
  21. Hi all, Mr. Hoppen told me that he is going to sell almost every sword on his site. If some member is falling in love with one of the swords please contact Mr. Hoppen to discuss selling issues. Best
  22. 25 th Shinsa result tachi.. http://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/blog/
  23. about quiet blades... https://samuraiartexpo.com/dont-ignore-the-quiet-blades/ Best
  24. You tube... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lznoBRN3mNU Best
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  25. BIG


    In Tiger koshirae... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4upxGYuDRAg Best
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