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Everything posted by BIG

  1. ...https://www.awm.gov.au/system/files/vols/%2328%20ISSUE%20%232%20%281420300616%29.pdf Best
  2. Darcy you have to post..( or leave your radio silence ) the board feeds you and you surely scouts the members.. Only the nobility gets into hell, the rest stands in front of it and warms up. Best PS with an other quote.."Buongiorno,buona gente!" let us be proud members
  3. more about the shrine.. https://japantoday.com/category/features/travel/atsuta-shrine-the-sword-in-the-shrine Best
  4. Atsuta shrine, Nagoya.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ0Hsesf2CA Best
  5. Hi yurie, what's about creating a book or a series. Best
  6. according to the Namban-Jin written sources... http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/361/36100302.pdf Best
  7. out know the museums guide and other things; watch out the museum's LOGO. http://store.samurai-artmuseum.com Best
  8. ...http://www.mitsubishicarbide.com/en/magazine/article/wa_vol04 Best
  9. BIG

    Gendaito Shapes

    Nice site and int. Mon .. Best
  10. BIG


    Darcy's blog..https://yuhindo.com/ha/daisho-and-daishoisnt/#more-885 Best
  11. BIG


    Read in an european forum that the main daisho time was the late koto and the shinto time. Here is an early Nagamitsu daisho ( very rare )..https://www.bonhams.com/press_release/14518/, curious if there are info and data about the "main" daisho time? Best
  12. Pdf..http://et.ippt.pan.pl/index.php/et/article/download/118/59 Best
  13. Takegawa Chikusai...http://izawagionmatsuri.jp/en/resource/resource11.html Best
  14. Custom forged...http://izawagionmatsuri.jp/en/resource/resource06.html Best
  15. Poor Riesling, we cremate our Kater Kiesel and held his ashes in a little wooden box. Best
  16. by John L. Boots.. http://www.raskb.com/transactions/VOL23Part2/VOL023Part2-1.docx Best
  17. ...http://www.yufuku.net/media/2016/01/TEFAF2016_Catalog-WEB.compressed.pdf Best
  18. Hi Kirill, please post the "paper" article from your site, good read for our members. Best
  19. curious about past and present goals from other members.. My goal is the third Naotane after a wakizashi and a tanto. No need to presume the man and his skills. Also interesting the time and the protagonists.. Best PS even when a Kanemitsu original has the same value as an Naotane utsushi
  20. Congrats both, Jean for his extraordinary collection and George for a 30 year project and the result. Best
  21. stupor mundi.. https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/product_details_e.php?prod_no=TAN-0114 Best
  22. Sorry..http://www.rafu.com/2018/07/gfb-to-present-nikkei-samurai-Japanese-swords-and-the-mis/ Best
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