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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Guns Scrolls And Swords.. http://exhibits.lib.byu.edu/guns-scrolls-swords/ Best
  2. Culture and war pdf by Morgan Pitelka http://krieger.jhu.edu/east-asian/wp-content/uploads/sites/63/2015/06/Morgan-Pitelka-Report.pdf Best
  3. The Sword Of Japan.. http://www.swordofjapan.com/bio.html Best
  4. Hi Brodie, first generation Nobutaka was born in Kamiarichi, Noshu. Best
  5. I read in some book, the three plants are known as three friends in bad cold weather. They withstand the cold standing for: healhty and longevous, upright and unyielding or honest and clean.. Best
  6. Traditional and Jazz..Sumie Kaneko https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6dDdH6hJXtc Best
  7. Yes thank you for the good readings. Everybody welcome to post his discoveries. Hard to manage your own discovery chanel.. Best
  8. Japanese emigration to Manchuria http://www-brs.ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/netahtml/HSS/Diss/SchererAnke/diss.pdf Best
  9. Tenpo era incident.. http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201902230022.html Best
  10. Hi Tom, Katana is Tachi mei ( ura mei) , o-suriage is not common, and for that price it's really a bargain. Best
  11. German Samurai.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5lza6jSKCeQ Best
  12. Touken Matsumoto blog.. Polishing event..http://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/blog/ Best
  13. Punishment and Power in the Tokugawa period Pdf by Dani V. Botsman http://www.eastasianhistory.org/sites/default/files/article-content/03/EAH03_01.pdf Best
  14. Hi Tom, o-suriage but not mumei, Tsuruta san raks this jo saku and the blade is in the wakizashi price range. Best
  15. Chinese power..what do we need to know https://www.dia.mil/Portals/27/Documents/News/Military%20Power%20Publications/China_Military_Power_FINAL_5MB_20190103.pdf Best
  16. Germany and Japan.. https://www.ghi-dc.org/fileadmin/user_upload/GHI_Washington/Publications/Bulletin58/bu58_47.pdf Best
  17. Caption competition.. https://www.military-history.org/articles/mhm-june-caption-competition.htm/amp Best
  18. Using specially prepared steel. Sanmei com http://www.sanmei.com/contents/media/A69560_E.html Best
  19. Not expensive Naotane katana ... https://www.aoijapan.com/katana-73-okina-shoji-mino-suke-fujiwara-naotane-kao/ Best
  20. Sword presented after Emperor's birth.. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/04/24/national/sword-presented-emperors-birth-displayed-kyoto-shrine/#.XNPPVevuKK0 Best
  21. Honjo Eijiro article about social changes during Tokugawa period.. https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/125171/1/ecb0031_056.pdf Best
  22. Hi Egbert, welcome on board. There is a special SALE and TRADE section. May be Brian can switch. Best
  23. Shiseido you tube.. https://www.shiseidogroup.com/artsandcrafts/japanesesword/ Best
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