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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Rare case of beri beri.. http://ir.lib.shimane-u.ac.jp/files/public/4/40712/20180115111017176197/Shimane%20J.%20Med.%20Sci.VOL34_no2_P67-P71.pdf Best
  2. Tachibana family treasures.. https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/LALChVHFrCNTLQ Best
  3. Food and agriculture in ancient Japan https://www.ancient.eu/article/1082/food--agriculture-in-ancient-Japan/ Best
  4. Welcome Scott and Leon. The board will save your Nihonto souls.. Best
  5. Sold as slaves.. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2013/05/26/books/book-reviews/the-rarely-if-ever-told-story-of-Japanese-sold-as-slaves-by-portuguese-traders/#.XStPcOvuKrU Best
  6. Looks like all foreign correspondents in Japan collect Japanese Swords.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BzZvsbwYFxk Best
  7. Tokugawa Iemasa, the man who gave the famous sword to the allies.. https://historycollection.co/one-japans-prized-possessions-went-missing-wwii-never-found/2/ Best
  8. Hi Les, can you post some pics, esp. nakago pics to ident the smith. And congrats to your sword. Best
  9. Hi Kirill, can't read cyrillic scipts. So is the authors full name Dmitry Vladimirovich Pechalov ? Best
  10. and a closer pic of the sword.. https://www.rmg.co.uk/discover/behind-the-scenes/blog/library-item-month-instrument-surrender Best
  11. Japanese surrender in Hong-Kong https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtdMmBZxU9c Best
  12. And who is the photographer? Best
  13. Samurai -arte tv video https://www.arte.tv/de/videos/052416-011-A/magische-orte-in-aller-welt/ Best
  14. Chris, sure some "good" swords went to war. But a man with a family heirloom and a family left will save this heirloom. Your officer reminds me to Tolkiens Stewart of Gondor. Best
  15. The rise of Japan's middle class as seen through Ukiyo-e https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/cbcf/28efb92670a078bc142909c853878b90962b.pdf Best
  16. Kanazawa traditional arts and crafts https://visitkanazawa.jp/files/moretocheck/downloads/en/kanazawa_traditional_arts_and_crafts_en.pdf Best
  17. Japanese dragonfly fauna.. https://www.zobodat.at/pdf/Deutsche-Ent-Zeitschrift_1922_0096-0112.pdf Best
  18. Manga for everyone..British Museum blog https://blog.britishmuseum.org/8-manga-genres-you-need-to-know/ Best
  19. Famous artist.. https://www.britishmuseum.org/research/search_the_collection_database/term_details.aspx?bioId=147841 Best
  20. Yes bought it, thanks again Steve. Best
  21. Thanks so much Steve !! Best
  22. Seller tells that the theme is a fictional meeting of famous swordsmiths.. Best
  23. Thamks Greg and Steven, we had to feed them all.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gTsgEX1auoo Best
  24. Says the seller, special translator also needed... Who did it? When ? and what about the text? Thx for your help.. https://www.Japan-budo.com/japanische-kakemono-zeichnungen-und-drucke/kakemono-beruehmte-schmiede.html Best PS there are tons of swords, too...
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