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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Roman coins end up in Japanese medieval castle.. http://theconversation.com/how-did-4th-century-roman-coins-end-up-in-a-medieval-Japanese-castle-66417 Best
  2. Congrats Ray, like the calm and cool speech... Markus books are on amazon, too. May be another quideline is to find your personal adviser (sensei). Best PS keep on with your videos
  3. Maki-e lacquer art and swordfittings... Best
  4. Japanese Emperors Family Tree https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rOyo_8j0M6c&list=PL5Ag9n-o0IZDDJaqgJMB-j0hOzZdtCxny&index=10&t=0s Best
  5. List of results.. https://www.hermann-historica.de/media/pdf/b9/71/9e/ergebnis_kat_A80aw.pdf Best
  6. Hi Stephen, here is a Katana mei..
  7. Hi all, read in an old tsuba article that only "two arts" did not come from china. Any idea about the two Japanese arts? Best PS please share your thoughts.. will open the Rätsel at sunday.
  8. Masumo sensei.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vikIWEnLK04 Best
  9. Congrats, cherio ! Best
  10. We had a Mino wakizashi, yamato base with soshu elements in nioi-deki in our last meeting. Whitish steel resulted from fine ji-nie, so maybe it's a Mino blade. Best
  11. Rule in the name of protection.. https://apjjf.org/-Michele-Mason--Helen-J-S--Lee--Komori-Yoichi/3903/article.pdf Best
  12. I think it's not enough to read the sword and tosogu books. We have to do more! Best
  13. Role of the sword Futsunomitama-no-tsurugi .. https://revije.ff.uni-lj.si/as/article/download/7562/8224/ Best
  14. Opposition movements in early Meiji https://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~rijs/crrp/papers/pdf/Vlastos_031909.pdf Best
  15. A tale of wootz steal... https://www.ias.ac.in/article/fulltext/reso/011/06/0067-0077 Best
  16. Disturbing traditional Japanese paintings.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T9vAFhLqm2M Best
  17. Hi Yurie, I think your pics are good enough for the blog! Touken Matsumoto creates a new Magnify button, very impressive. Best
  18. Don't know if we have better pics online at the moment? Any idea, is this a little revolution.. Best PS like that MAGNIFY
  19. Hi Bill, Touken Matsumoto create that photo.. http://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/blog/ Best
  20. New Touken button...MAGNIFY https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/img/products/WA0322-hri.jpg Best
  21. Hi Dominik, welcome "on" board. Please share your swords and tell us your collecting goal. Best
  22. Piers, please share more pics.. Best
  23. Interesting writings and documents... http://www.maruoka-kanko.org/documents/2f_en.pdf Best
  24. Buddhist monks as healers https://www.gko.uni-leipzig.de/fileadmin/user_upload/religionswissenschaft/Kleine__-__Buddhist_Monks_as_Healers_in_Early_and_Medieval_Japan__Z__01.pdf Best
  25. Nihon-matsu festival.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jEbFocfsVl0 Best
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