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Everything posted by BIG

  1. ..http://www.gotheborg.com/marks/20thcenturyjapan.shtml Best
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  2. BIG

    Iron tsuba blog

    ...http://japaneseirontsuba.com Best
  3. Taryu-jidai http://uk.hokushinittoryu.com/taryu-jiai/ Best
  4. Nagashino sences of battle https://www.tokugawa-art-museum.jp/en/exhibits/planned/items/201907合戦図new.pdf Best
  5. Kelly recomments the Meirin shop, Osaka Watch out this Naotane Tachi.. http://www.nipponto.co.jp/swords3/NT327765.htm Best
  6. Growing up during a time of war.. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/community/2019/06/23/our-lives/buddhist-priest-reflects-growing-shiraishi-island-time-war/#.XksEM-vGKK0 Best
  7. Where have all the great swords gone.. https://www.nytimes.com/1972/11/11/archives/antiques-150-enthusiasts-of-Japanese-swords-convene-in-dallas.html?searchResultPosition=6 Best
  8. Yamada Nagamasa and his relations to siam.. http://www.siamese-heritage.org/jsspdf/2001/JSS_095_0d_Iwamoto_YamadaNagamasaAndSiam.pdf Best
  9. AOI Tsuruta san .. https://www.aoijapan.com/katana-mumeiden-mihara-masahiro-juyo-bijutsu/ Best
  10. Michael, here are some infos about an exhibition at Dallas Museum of Art.. https://dma.org/art/exhibition-archive/brushstrokes-enlightenment-zen-calligraphy-and-painting-blades-splendor Best
  11. You tube Samurai wolf https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kRypB5ZlYhU Best
  12. Sayings and deeds of Lords Mitsushige and Tsunashige.. Int. source..Nr. 520 visiting the shogunate and presenting swords https://www.sagalibdb.jp/image/kochu/eibun/pdf/251553174661.pdf Best
  13. Human beaten at his own game.. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-40042581 Best
  14. Christie's catalog.. https://www.christies.com/PDF/catalog/2015/CKS12483_SaleCat.pdf Best
  15. Thoughts on Manuscript Culture.. https://www.manuscript-cultures.uni-hamburg.de/MC/articles/mc4_Quenzer2.pdf Best
  16. Nothing bad for little money ? Best PS may be the new owner/ NMB member share more pics...
  17. Edo sword techniques.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru2Jz4T4nJk Besr
  18. Seller said "Meiji"... and a well known artist? Best
  19. Meeting take place in Neuwied at the 15/2/2020 Best
  20. Thanks Jussi, Tom mumei shin shinto and Juyo? Best PS think Naotane coming up ( TJ)
  21. Talented ... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NDU8V8fjX1I Best
  22. Sales room auction, a little gift for the collector... https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/bentleys-auction-rooms/catalogue-id-srben10220/lot-96d1d6c2-a004-4cbe-8cd7-ab4c013b09af Best
  23. BIG

    Nakago sori

    Geraint, thanks for the "perfect" statement; We discuss his Nobukuni tanto with Bizen hamon, and saw he did a perfect utsushi. On many papers the nakago sori were mentioned, on many others not, or described as a "slight" sori. My thought was for high end swords it's more often described, may be a Lekkerli for the buyer? Best
  24. BIG

    Nakago sori

    Kantei point? https://www.touken.or.jp/Portals/0/pdf/english/tobi_translation/745_NBTHK_February_2019.pdf Best
  25. Thanks Jussi, do you have the shin shinto in that data? Can you count a special smith ? Best
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