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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Touken Matsumotos blog https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/en/blog/
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  2. Jake, unfortunately I am not an expert, only a yagyu and futagoyama collector.
  3. HI Brano, nice tsuba. can you tell more info about schools and design. Best Peter
  4. Last stand I saw was 121000 yen with ten bits, the night before the auction ends. Yagyu for that little money is really a bargain. A tsuba for the western collectors ?
  5. Dee, Mr. Hunt calls them GROUP OF OWARI TSUBA, a good definition
  6. At least a NORISUKE futagoyama.. ( and found currans TH yagyu ) http://www.tsubacollector.com/4.html
  7. Sold at auction, with more than 10 bids. A bargain..?? https://www.aoijapan...ubetsu-kicho-tosogu/
  8. No yagyu but ohno..
  9. Thanks for sharing Malcolm and John, I missed it..
  10. Thanks Steve for sharing, looks also like a big collection..
  11. AOI tells us there are some kizu.. Ask for more info and pics..
  12. https://www.zacke.at...&sd=0&pp=48&pn=3&g=1 The zutsu houses the katana in its koshirae. The zutsu is stored like a tachi on a tachi kake. You need only little space and the zutsu looks like a nice safe. I do not have any zutsu experience.. what is your opinion..
  13. Sold.. https://www.zacke.at...&sd=1&pp=96&pn=3&g=1
  14. Thanks a lot Kyle, nice work by “Joka-shi Tsuneto”
  15. Hermitage museum named the Tsuba-shi JOKASHI TSUNETO ?? https://www.hermitag...pons%2C+armor/494286 Jakushi school, Nagasaki ??
  16. The Marble Palace https://en.m.wikiped...g/wiki/Marble_Palace
  17. The samurai was Kawaji Toshiakira the owner of the Naokatsu, the Marble palace houses the sword until 1926. https://en.m.wikiped...ki/Treaty_of_Shimoda
  18. lots 79 to 143.. https://www.zacke.at...0-122811684&pn=2&g=1
  19. https://www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/15.+weapons%2c+armor/494286
  20. And for the scouts..
  21. https://en.m.wikiped...iki/Takakazu_Kinashi
  22. https://www.aoijapan...-blog-november-2024/
  23. Hi Curran, here is pdf about the Higo masters, hope it helps.. https://www.zobodat....22_BH5_0001-0062.pdf
  24. Congrats Stephen, good decision for the community and for you !! Analytical data may be on our board so..? Best Peter
  25. https://www.zacke.at...583a817dfe-122811684
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