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Everything posted by BIG

  1. Short story... this is Yuriko Seshima from GINZA MARUHIDE. She is six years in business. This very day she visited Seikodo and did a sword appraisal. Sword tangs are hidden, she has to observe shape, texture and pattern. It`s allowed recieving written past kwowledge and experience. The sword researcher TAKESHI TAKAYAMA is talking about is a TOKUBETSU JUYO with kinzogan mei, swordsmith Oohara Sanemori. The tanto shown TENSHU-UCHI mei KUNIHIRO. He was famous for carving DAIKOKUTEN ( god of the great darkness ). It`s a JUYO sword from the house of OSHIMAZU ). I missed to share the subtitles. BEST
  2. Emperor`s most difficult ritual.. https://Japan-forward.com/inside-the-niinamesai-the-emperors-most-difficult-ritual/ Best
  3. Tsukiji wonderland
  4. BIG

    Modern texture

    Kiminori Okumuta.. https://nihonmono.jp/en/area/6620/ BEST
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  5. MIRACOLO, we are going back the times when Wallenstein wrote „ aus DESSAU kommt uns gute POST...“ needs only four weeks to find him. Best
  6. Hi Teisa, here is a link to JEFF OLSON, he can help you out... https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/26619/lot/370/ GOOD LUCK
  7. Hi Luca, thanks for your nice reference article. Best
  8. Hi Teisa, http://www.militaria.co.za/articles/Soten_Study.pdf
  9. MAGNIFY https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/swords_hires.php?prod_img=KA0360-hri.jpg BEST
  10. ONE ORIGINAL PILLOW.. https://www.yamatobudogu.com/products/antique-katana-makura Best
  11. Planned new bedroom, pillow sword for fast action inclusive. The meaning of the term would also be the congrate GRABBEIGABE when the collecting is over... https://www.alamy.com/Japanese-bed-room-interior-has-lamp-katana-sword-and-pillow-3d-rendering-image261502556.html Nice thought to have your sword in your oak coffin... Best PS DO WE HAVE EXAMPLES OF Japanese PILLOW SWORDS...
  12. And the CNN interview... a little bit damaged...
  13. Jon Bowhay sword polishing interview...
  14. The forgotten shrine and the keeper..
  15. The way of the Shogun https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/way-shogun-180975196/ Best
  16. Dale, my highest respect for your non commercial labor. Keep on going... Best
  17. Great job, Jussi. Thank you very much!! Best PS when do the NBTHK over TH ratings come?
  18. Hi Robert, hope this will help.. https://to-ken.uk/onewebmedia/Reg Masamitsu.pdf Best
  19. http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/13961528 Best
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  20. Congrats Dale.. Best
  21. Special order koshirae by a flamboyant samurai.. https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/product_details_e.php?prod_no=KO-0045 Best
  22. Signed prints Auflage 150 click on Detail.. https://www.tengu-publishing.de/de/index.php?site=artikelliste&wg=4 Best
  23. Sergio Toppi https://thewindowofthesummerhouse.tumblr.com/post/147671981941
  24. Is it sold? https://www.aoijapan.com/katana-soji-chikuzen-daijo-taikai-naotane-kao/ Best
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