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Everything posted by BIG

  1. The importence of being Hokusai https://55e22d20-aef1-4cbb-8d57-7634275a6da0.filesusr.com/ugd/a2bb73_f88c307d73f7419193d4eb6078aa57d3.pdf Best
  2. https://55e22d20-aef1-4cbb-8d57-7634275a6da0.filesusr.com/ugd/a2bb73_1c7247d219bb475fb3f3fc781a17ce7b.pdf Best
  3. Int. Pdf.. https://55e22d20-aef1-4cbb-8d57-7634275a6da0.filesusr.com/ugd/a2bb73_7589ee7b71fb477cae01b593f3df3698.pdf Best
  4. Hi Adam, first generation wakizashi aoi.. https://www.aoijapan.net/wakizashi-heianjyo-ju-fujiwara-norisada/ Best
  5. ..https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/treasures-of-temples-and-shrines/hwKyGKCr7r_XJw Best
  6. When the Akimotos went to war.. https://www.abmc.gov/sites/default/files/publications/AkimotosBook_508v2.pdf Best
  7. It's a pdf from Toshiyuki Kono about swords losses during occupation time. You can read it at pdf pages 198 -206 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/57d0/65df8aa4e002b73b1f0073d2dd12eb9b765d.pdf?_ga=2.39444325.717750995.1598168393-395309905.1568955402 Best
  8. Thank's for sharing, 6000 Nihonto under one million military swords... We have an Ittosai in another forum, right now ? Best
  9. Hi Tony, only my translation. It's Mr.Oeder's point and I also think he is right.. Best
  10. Hi Tony, Tsuba is in the Oeder book, page 90, nr. 758 try a quick translation: Tsuba from iron, great. High relief with different metals, on one hand the Sennin Koshohei with his animals and his brother Shoki under the tree on the other hand Sennin Shonken riding on a sword over the waves under a cherry tree, on the left a waterfall Kita-gawa Zengoro, lives in the town Hikone, Omi province, worked with Namban-tetsu probably Soten I Best
  11. Oeder collection pics from 1916 ! First one is also pictured in my seta bridge article.. https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/photographs-of-Japanese-sword-guards-1916 Best
  12. Interesting motivs.. https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/Japanese-firemans-coats-19th-century Best
  13. Int. article.. https://artsandculture.google.com/exhibit/4gLSxw-nMHSyLQ Best
  14. Interesting Ghost of Tsushima soundtrack.. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2020/07/31/general/ghost-of-tsushima-soundtrack/ Best
  15. Thank's Yasaka san, for your ongoing help. You are an enrichment for the board. Keep on going ... Best
  16. Nice you tube.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3BbJhjlSklE Best
  17. Teppo town.. http://www.mtlo.co.jp/us/valueone/metal/nagahama/nagahama.html Best
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