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Everything posted by BIG

  2. Anyone using it..? Some int. models for little money, like the dragon version too https://www.amazon.de/-/en/SHULI-Ebony-Holder-Katana-Wakizashi/dp/B07WGC89Q7/ref=pd_sbs_5/261-7850363-7166221?pd_rd_w=9FhQ1&pf_rd_p=b1c388c3-48c2-4960-8532-fa8f1477aee9&pf_rd_r=FMVEVV8QY4V6K82W13NX&pd_rd_r=179fb40c-6e7d-4d94-b30c-e344e7f25f7b&pd_rd_wg=Pckmn&pd_rd_i=B07WGC89Q7&psc=1 BEST
  3. BIG

    Why ..

    Arthur K. J. Park blog We prefer the third translation of the poem ( we the sword people..) http://www.morningearthkorea.org/the-death-of-sen-rikyu-and-the-birth-of-a-teabowl/ BEST
  4. Kimura Shota is listed as a polisher in the heisei period artisans pdf posted above.. BEST
  5. https://www.touken.or.jp/Portals/0/pdf/mokuroku/Heisei-no-meitomeiko_EN3.pdf BEST
      • 1
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  6. http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14376583 BEST
  7. Hi Michael…https://books.google.de/books?id=T8RNVj1J6GQC&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=hasebe+tachi&source=bl&ots=W55bfOEKdy&sig=ACfU3U1TPFUjS_Rpl57xeG8XJQ3VIHfQtA&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAk8fg5p7xAhXwgf0HHS3nBy4Q6AEwEXoECBcQAw#v=onepage&q=hasebe tachi&f=false BEST
  8. http://www.nihonto-club.de/seiten/berichte.html BEST
  9. Gassan Sadakatsu..
  10. Mr. Maxein got a book with german cover and english text. So he reported to BoD and asked for a proper and fast complaints handling. Best PS keep us updated, Gilles
  11. Hi Gilles „ evil catch 22“.. mailed Mr. Maxein.. Best
  12. ^Back to a serious article from Lyues word`s Blog..original written by Taran McCarnun https://lyuesword.com/blog/a-basic-sword-naming-and-purification-ritual-selected-from-junsei-magazine-38 BEST
  13. So the swordsmen name their fighting blades, the „only“ collector did not? Named some. HAMABE, MIDARE, RYU, others not. BEST
  14. https://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/iss/kap_2/illustr/i2_1_1.html Best
  15. Extraordinary Juyo rate. Naotane Juyo rate is around 1%, but in the last 9 shinsa there was only one Masayuki. So it seems the Japanese M/K market is quite empty, and western markets dito.. Naotane on the long hand will reach surly more than 100 Juyo with a 5 % rate minimum. His decades of making very good swords gives him in Japan a long lasting market.. On the other hand a Kiyomaro TJ Daisho, a Naotane TJ Katana and a Sa Yukihide TJ Katana. Der So Naotane is imho in his total LEBENSWERK the more important artist. BEST
  16. Kindle ebook out now... 5,99 €https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Otto-Maxein-ebook/dp/B0963Q1F9Q/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Samurai+swords+for+the+material+battle&qid=1622387965&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 BEST
  17. Stewart Ueno and Hisashi Saito .. http://togishi.com/sword-videos.html BEST
  18. Good news, mailed with Mr. Maxein and he asked his publishing company about shipping and costs. When I get info will surely post it here. Best
  19. Found some pages on google.. https://books.google.de/books?id=KTosEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA27&hl=de&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false BEST
  20. https://www.openculture.com/2018/11/a-Japanese-illustrated-history-of-america.html BEST
  21. The book I recomment here is the english version, there is a german version same price and a german hardcover version. Read it in two days. Interesting author and interesting book. There is no ebook and I do not know shipping money, but READ it Barry. BEST
  22. Gendaito of the Taisho- and early Showa period.. esp. Shodai Minamoto Yoshichika and Nidai Minamoto Yoshichika and the art swords they made. https://www.hugendubel.de/de/buch_kartoniert/otto_maxein-samurai_swords_for_the_material_battle-40722416-produkt-details.html Best
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