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Everything posted by BIG

  1. https://www.tf.uni-kiel.de/matwis/amat/iss/kap_2/illustr/i2_1_1.html Best
  2. Extraordinary Juyo rate. Naotane Juyo rate is around 1%, but in the last 9 shinsa there was only one Masayuki. So it seems the Japanese M/K market is quite empty, and western markets dito.. Naotane on the long hand will reach surly more than 100 Juyo with a 5 % rate minimum. His decades of making very good swords gives him in Japan a long lasting market.. On the other hand a Kiyomaro TJ Daisho, a Naotane TJ Katana and a Sa Yukihide TJ Katana. Der So Naotane is imho in his total LEBENSWERK the more important artist. BEST
  3. Kindle ebook out now... 5,99 €https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Otto-Maxein-ebook/dp/B0963Q1F9Q/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Samurai+swords+for+the+material+battle&qid=1622387965&s=digital-text&sr=1-1 BEST
  4. Stewart Ueno and Hisashi Saito .. http://togishi.com/sword-videos.html BEST
  5. Good news, mailed with Mr. Maxein and he asked his publishing company about shipping and costs. When I get info will surely post it here. Best
  6. Found some pages on google.. https://books.google.de/books?id=KTosEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA27&hl=de&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false BEST
  7. https://www.openculture.com/2018/11/a-Japanese-illustrated-history-of-america.html BEST
  8. The book I recomment here is the english version, there is a german version same price and a german hardcover version. Read it in two days. Interesting author and interesting book. There is no ebook and I do not know shipping money, but READ it Barry. BEST
  9. Gendaito of the Taisho- and early Showa period.. esp. Shodai Minamoto Yoshichika and Nidai Minamoto Yoshichika and the art swords they made. https://www.hugendubel.de/de/buch_kartoniert/otto_maxein-samurai_swords_for_the_material_battle-40722416-produkt-details.html Best
  10. DEALER SHIP UPS.. https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/en/blog/ BEST
  11. Making the „ Reichsschwert Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossas“ the smith looking back on a 600 years old family tradition.. https://www.servustv.com/videos/1265374266328-181327693/ BEST
  13. Hi Brano, where can I go to ident the red and white arrow shooter ? Think that the bad arrows and the blue hearts should be named, I give a blue one to Brano and a blue one to Greg.. Who gave me a bad arrow for the Biden tube? What`s going on here? BEST
  15. Hi Mark, thanks for your answer, think you are right. NBTHK wrote „ Bizen den Ichimonji“ .. Best
  16. Hi all, Mr. Ettig told me that he sold his own reference books, so I`m curious to see more.. Best
  17. Hi Barry, will do so. Best
  19. KO-CHOJI MIDARE LIKE BIZEN OSAFUNE NAGAMITSU.. http://nihonto-museum.com/blog/bizen-osafune-nagamitsu BEST
  20. TENGU PUBLISHING offers sword books. Think Mr. Ettig bought a collectors references, most Japanese language...I bought the Sato Kanzan book. https://tengu-publishing.de/de/index.php?site=artikelliste&wg=25 BEST
  21. I think it`s a hamon question. Jacques is your example choji midare Ichimonji hamon? BEST
  22. Never seen a choji midare ICHIMONJI copy made by Naotane, but some (Japanese) sources and also NBTHK told us there are „Bizen den Ichimonji..“. Only in the NIHON SHINSHINTO SHI we learn that Naotane did not temper Ichimonji blades. Opinions welcome. BEST
  23. Swordsmith Monju Shiro Kanemitsu and the malice of the Edo hairdress The swordsmith Monju Shiro Kanetsugu founded in the 14th century the Monju school of swordmakers. The wife of his famous father Tegai Kanenaga went even every day to Nara`s temple prayed and meditated in the temples major hall in front of the BODHISATTVA MONJU statue to give her the birth of a son. The desire of her heart became true and the linage holder Shiro, often called Monju Shiro was born. Kanenagas Tegai school existed into the late 16th century. The schools tradition continued by the the famous swordsmith Nanki Shigekuni until the 11th generation who worked in the mid ninetenth century. Shigekunis family was also named Monju. Tokugawa Ieyasu and later Tokugawa Yorinobu hired the exemptional swordsmith Shigekuni, who was one of the best shinto period swordsmiths. Many swordsmiths`were forced to retire or had to forge daily articles or deco works in the peaceful Tokugawa time. Only the best craftsmen worked exclusivly in the castle towns or in the Edo residencies for one Daimyo and his samurai clan. One swordsmith who wasn`t lucky enough to become a clan smith was Kanemitsu. He forged about kan`ei ( 1624-1644) first in Yamato and later in Yamashiro. Kanemitsu a Monju school swordsmith signed: Yamashiro no kuni Fushimi-Ju Monju Fujiwara Kanemitsu. He worked in Osaka and in Kyoto`s Fushimi. In the poem collection „Rakuhatsu Ga“ wich means „Best wishes for your tonsur“ he is the (even not so lucky) protagonist of the following poem: otsumuri e / Monju Shiro no / samo suzushi on the little head / of Monju Shiro breezes / the cold terribly bad Auf den kleinen Kopf / von Monju Shiro zieht / die Kälte am schlimmsten Monju Shiro Kanemitsu made short daggers, knives and razers in Fushimi near Kyoto. The tonsur of the forehead (sakayaka) and the hairknot (chonmage) was the typical hairdress of the Edo time. ( see Markus Seskos books: Lexikon der japanischen Schwertschmiede A-M und. N-Z, BOD Norderstedt 2012 and Geschichten rund ums japanische Schwert, BOD Norderstedt, 2. Auflage 2011, Haiku Sammlung, C. Hürten Berlin) Peter Reusch on a lucky day mid spring 2021
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