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Everything posted by BIG

  1. One hit.. Markus have him on page 82, Lexikon der japanischen Schwertschmiede A-M Hiroyuki, Kan`ei 1624-1644, Bungo -„ Bungo -ju Fujiwara Hiroyuki“, Hoshu Takada-ju Fujiwara Hiroyuki, Fujiwara-Takada Schule Best PS that costs you a BIG beer and quarterpounder
  2. And the clouds could be HAZE.. https://www.touken-m...uct/shousai/TSU-2630 Best
  3. Tsuki ni kari.. https://www.samuraim...samurai-sword-t-565/ Best PS and the clouds..??
  4. Itomaki design.. https://richardturner.wordpress.com/2011/04/23/owari-sukashi-tsuba-尾張透鍔-2/
  5. https://www.giuseppe...shi-tsuba-wild-geese
  6. Hi Florian, unce I linked article about modern sword hunts, do not know if you got it, if not Ithink it helps.. https://minpaku.repo.../files/SES54_009.pdf Best
  7. BIG

    Help with Tsuba design

    Hi Tom its not my tsuba. The only Naotane / Yoshitane TH Tsuba I found.. Thank you for sharing. Here we have a nice Haiku by Taniguchi Denjo ( 1713-1779 ) Cukoo call- One evening, into the heart the rain falls and Bessho Makiko wrote the Paul Verlaine verse: Il pleut dans mon cceur / Comme il pleut sur la ville.. / It rains into my heart / like it rains on the city.. from the book HAIKU Gedichte aus fünf Jahrhunderten Reclam
  8. BIG

    Help with Tsuba design

    Danke dir Florian. Best Regards
  9. BIG

    Help with Tsuba design

    Thanks for the Takahashi No Mushimaro poem, thats the theme..
  10. BIG

    Help with Tsuba design

    The lovers lament poem on the Hiroshige print and the Tsuba theme fits.. https://chazen.wisc....-flying-in-the-rain/ Best
  11. BIG

    Help with Tsuba design

    Nothing wrong with the rain.. the rain theme is very common on paintings and prints. Earthly is finite, was my first thought about, but it should be the welcome of first spring showers. https://artvee.com/dl/cuckoo-in-the-rain/ https://www.mutualar...94CD5EF7857B7E50FAA9 A poem too..
  12. BIG

    Help with Tsuba design

    Thanks Steve and Dale. Some thoughts about the „rain“?? Best
  13. https://www.e-nihont.../products/detail/816 Find Chidori bird any thoughts very welcome Best
  14. SORRY, was on a vacation till now.. THANK YOU FORD PS I DO NOT DO SEPPUKO
  15. Kitao Shigemasa.. https://www.metmuseu...id=855670&pkgids=750
  16. Saw the artists and would be great if some of our interpreters/translaters.. https://www.metmuseu...r/exhibition-objects BEST
  17. BIG

    Tsuba design

    Motiv may be casket and ume (keso no ume) https://www.finarte....-tsuba-89489?lang=en Best
  18. Go on the permanent link..
  19. Nice pdf .. BEST
  20. BIG

    Mumei NAOTANE

    Christian, do you want that I share my opinion, than please tell me your decision. I`m not talking about „high speculative“ interpretations. The blade is like other Naotane soshu blades. The NBTHK said „mumei Naotane“ not den-Naotane, and they had some specialists doing Kantei on a lot of Naotane blades ( think about 30 Juyos ). Again for that money, esp. when you start collecting him, its a seldom possibility. You will never find a signed and dated wakizashi under 1,5 million yen in Japan. Shipping and customs and fees and you have to pay nearly 2 million yen only for a good TH sword. You can ask Ms. Shiho about the blade, she is a friendly seller and can give advise.. But the blade is sold, the second mumei Naotane. The first one I saw was a mumei katana here on NMB. Have some TH Naotane and we learnt to collect the Japanese way, where in it is said.. only buy better swords. Best
  21. BIG

    Mumei NAOTANE

    Yes Alex, but for less than 2800 Dollar someone saw it as a bargain. Sold fast. Best
  22. BIG

    Mumei NAOTANE

    This is very nice article by Markus Sesko and Fred Weissberg about Naotane. So some people gave him other year birthday. https://nihonto.com/3-1-23/ Best
  23. BIG

    Mumei NAOTANE

    Barry gave me the tip, mumei with Hozon papers. Did one member bought this for 400000 yen ??? Nice Naotane starter sword. https://www.toukenko...&katana_A010823.html Best
  24. http://www.touken-ma...023/07/IMG_1573.jpeg BEST
  25. Swordcase maker Keisuke Nakamura and his new concept… http://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/eng/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/刀箱師3-1024x725.jpg BEST
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