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Everything posted by TheGermanBastard

  1. Thank you for your thoughts. I can see characteristics of Uda, Bungo and Bizen, How about Dotanuki?
  2. I think Koto is a safe bet for sure. The Sugata is strange. It has a huge Sori ... what was the original length and periode?
  3. Same sword by different polisher. You be the judge who is a trained one and who is a self taught one. (Other image is also by Polisher 1 after he had "completed" his work)
  4. I'm seeking for oppinions Kantei on this Wakizashi please
  5. Hello, if you buy the sword and don't like it. I'd give you USD 850.00 for it. Best regards, Luis

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    1. tokashikibob


      Thanks Luis,  I'll keep you posted if I get it.  I made a offer and am waiting for reply.

  6. Does anybody have any links to websites that give information on these kind of mounts and what material they are made from (cow / ox). If it is ox or cow then the imnport is no problem at all
  7. Here are the mounts. I was thinking it could be walrus? But could be ox or cow bow as well. I have no idea. Any thoughts on the nature of this bone and what paperwork is required for its import to Europe?
  8. Hello Francois, that has also been my understanding that you now have to pay full custom charges including VAT which add 25% additional value. Given the often bad Sterling exchange rate, the UK unfortunately has become unattractive for me as a buyer. It is a pitty as there are some very fine craftmen over there for sword restoration but I am afraid that sending something there is now much less of a hassle than it used to be.
  9. I had recently bought a blade mounbted in the typical Meji periode tourist junk mounts made of some sort bone. Now customs are asking for the nature of the bone. Does anybody have any advice on what paperwork is needed and what kind of bone these mounts are typically made off? I was thinking that since they are not ivory and and antqiue there ought to be no problem. Thanks for your advice
  10. Has anybody importeda nything from Great Britain to the UK yet? Did you any European buyers also have to pay tax / customs for a sword / item coming from the UK after the 1st of January?
  11. ... but I ship worldwide of course and shipping isn't really expensive ... should be about 40 - 50 USD wordlwide via DHL
  12. I have no idea. That is why I asked as I could not see anything special in them ...
  13. I only wondered because I have an identical set but would not have given it such an optimistic attribution and evaluation.
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Japan-antique-Momoyama-era-Fine-bow-arrow-Shonai-school-Menuki-Box-sword-rare/324452946905
  15. Oh well ... this really kills buying from the UK or shipping there now on many occasions. A shame.
  16. SO if you get anything from Europe you mnow basically have to pay 20% VAT while it would have been no VAT applying before? I thought that since tehre was a Brexit deal at last there would be no tax for gods sent between teh EU and UK? Am I wrong?
  17. I have shipped an item to the UK from Europe and the receiver has been asked to pay around 20% import fees. Is this right?! I thought there had been a Brexit deal making shippiments between the UK and Europe free of any import duties? The receiver asked me to pay half of import duties which I do feel is not my responsibility by any means.
  18. Thanks for the kind remarks. Still available
  19. Hello Tom, no it is NOT a pretty good sword. In my humble oppinion it is a decent starter sword. With a good JIgane to enjoy and study and is priced accordingly being suriage, not being in polish (while much is visible) and having unopened Fukure. I am not into cars but would say that a Porsche is a pretty good car in general but you have to pay accordingly. Again that depends on ones own expectations. In my cheap oppinion a pretty good Wakizashi will cost more than twice your budget. 5k and upwards will buy you a pretty good Wakizashi. At 1300 USD you will want to find the best bang for your buck but it will never be pretty good unless somebody give ist away way under its value ...
  20. This is a Suriage Shinto Wakizashi. It is signed Igna no Kami - then the signature is cut off. I would want to date it at around 1650. The Hamon is flamboyant. It looks like Ishido school which often copied Bizen Ichimonjo school. The blade has much old polish left with lots of activity to enjoy. There are no nicks in the blade. There are unopened Fukure in the blade. The blade comes with an old Iron Tsuba, a Tsuka with Fuchi / Kashira (no Menuki) and lacquered Tsukamaki (with repairs) and a black Urushi Saya that has lacquer damage. The Habaki is very nice thick silver foil. Euro 950.00 plus shipping. Buyer to cover payment fees. Located in Europe so no import tax for any European buyer (noneof the US buyers either of course)
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